Acts 9:41
Peter Raises Tabitha (Acts 9:36-43)
St. Peter raises Tabitha
Charity of the church: Dorcas
Raising of Tabitha, The
Tabitha, arise

Acts 10:48
Peter Visits Cornelius (Acts 10:23-48)
St. Peter preaching, the Holy Spirit descends upon Cornelius and his family
St. Peter and Cornelius the centurion
Baptism of a centurion, The
St. Peter in the house of Cornelius

Acts 13:20-21
In Pisidian Antioch (Acts 13:13-52)
Paul turns to the gentiles
Paul shares the gospel in the synagogue
Paul and Barnabas worshipped and persecuted
Through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins

Acts 27:15
The Journey and the Shipwreck (Acts 27)
St. Paul on his way to Rome
St. Paul shipwrecked
Paul sails for Rome
Paul shipwrecked

(22 pictures)
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