Acts 7:6
- Arrest and Speech (Acts 6:8-7:56)
St. Stephen preaching and St. Stephen addressing the council
High priest and his men keep their ears shut as St. Stephen delivers a speech, The
Disputation of St. Stephen
Sermon of St. Stephen, The
Acts 8:19
- Preaching and Baptizing in Samaria (Acts 8:4-25)
Sin of Simon, The
Conversions of the Samaritans, and the Ethiopian eunuch
Philip at Samaria
Simon the sorcerer
Acts 8:30
- Philip and the Eunuch (Acts 8:26-40)
St. Philip baptizes the Eunuch
St. Philip baptizes the Eunuch and is taken away by the Spirit
Philip and the Ethiopian
Philip baptizes the Ethiopian
Acts 16:36
- Paul and Silas in Prison (Acts 16:19-40)
St. Paul, St. Timothy of Ephesus, and Silas are put in the stocks at Philippi
Convert jaylor, The
Paul and Silas in prison
Paul and Silas in prison
(19 pictures)
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