Acts 7:52
- Arrest and Speech (Acts 6:8-7:56)
St. Stephen preaching and St. Stephen addressing the council
High priest and his men keep their ears shut as St. Stephen delivers a speech, The
Disputation of St. Stephen
Sermon of St. Stephen, The
Acts 8:32
- Philip and the Eunuch (Acts 8:26-40)
St. Philip baptizes the Eunuch
St. Philip baptizes the Eunuch and is taken away by the Spirit
Philip and the Ethiopian
Philip baptizes the Ethiopian
Acts 8:39
- Philip and the Eunuch (Acts 8:26-40)
St. Philip baptizes the Eunuch
St. Philip baptizes the Eunuch and is taken away by the Spirit
Philip and the Ethiopian
Philip baptizes the Ethiopian
Acts 12:8
- Peter's Escape (Acts 12:3-19)
Liberation of St. Peter, The *
St. Peter liberated from prison by an angel
Study of a seated male nude for "The liberation of St. Peter"
Two studies of a seated male nude for "The liberation of St. Peter"
Acts 12:14
- Peter's Escape (Acts 12:3-19)
Liberation of St. Peter, The *
St. Peter liberated from prison by an angel
Study of a seated male nude for "The liberation of St. Peter"
Two studies of a seated male nude for "The liberation of St. Peter"
Acts 12:19
- Peter's Escape (Acts 12:3-19)
- Herod's Death (Acts 12:19-23)
Liberation of St. Peter, The *
St. Peter liberated from prison by an angel
Study of a seated male nude for "The liberation of St. Peter"
Two studies of a seated male nude for "The liberation of St. Peter"
Herod's death
Herod's death
Death of Herod
Acts 13:27
- In Pisidian Antioch (Acts 13:13-52)
Paul turns to the gentiles
Paul shares the gospel in the synagogue
Paul and Barnabas worshipped and persecuted
Through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins
Acts 14:17
- In Lystra (Acts 14:8-20)
St. Paul and St. Barnabas at Lystra: the people prepare a sacrificial celebration
Paul and Barnabas idolized
Paul cures a lame man at Lystra
Sacrifice at Lystra, The
Acts 17:6
- In Thessalonica (Acts 17:1-9; 1 Thessalonians 2:9)
St. Paul preaching to the Thessalonians
Acts 25:17
- Paul before King Agrippa (Acts 25:13-26:32)
St. Paul before Herod Agrippa II, Festus, and Queen Bernice
Festus presents Paul before King Agrippa
You almost persuade me
Paul before Agrippa