Acts 4:16
- Peter and John before the Sanhedrin (Acts 4:1-22)
By the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified
One way, not another
Boldness of Peter and John, The
Peter and John before the Sanhedrin
Acts 5:36
- A New Arrest, a New Interrogation (Acts 5:17-42)
Apostles freed by Heaven
Death of Ananias, and Persecution
Gamaliel's counsel
Prison opened, The
(16 pictures)
Related Chapter:
Acts 8:27
- Philip and the Eunuch (Acts 8:26-40)
St. Philip baptizes the Eunuch
St. Philip baptizes the Eunuch and is taken away by the Spirit
Philip and the Ethiopian
Philip baptizes the Ethiopian
Acts 22:3
- Paul's Speech and the Attempted Flogging (Acts 21:37-22:29)
Paul a prisoner at Jerusalem
Paul, a prisoner
Paul's defense
Paul's defense
Acts 26:29
- Paul before King Agrippa (Acts 25:13-26:32)
St. Paul before Herod Agrippa II, Festus, and Queen Bernice
Festus presents Paul before King Agrippa
You almost persuade me
Paul before Agrippa