2 Samuel 16:8
- Shimei Curses David (2 Samuel 16:5-14)
Shimei throwing stones at David
Shimei curses David
Shimei throws stones at David
Shimei curses David
2 Samuel 19:5
- Absalom's Death (2 Samuel 18:1-19:8)
Death of Absalom
Absalom is caught in a tree
David and Absalom
David mourns Absalom
2 Samuel 19:28
- David Returns to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 19:8-43)
David forgives Shimei
It's enough for me that Your Majesty has come home safely
2 Samuel 20:12
- Sheba's Revolt (2 Samuel 20)
Joab slays Amasa
Joab kills Amasa
Sheba's head is thrown over the city-wall to Joab
Joab spares a city in exchange for the head of Sheba
(22 pictures)
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