2 Chronicles 12:9
Shishak's Attack (1 Kings 14:25-28; 2 Chronicles 12:2-12)
Egyptian looting of Jerusalem under Rehoboam, The
He carried away also the shields of gold
Shishak king of Egypt … took away the treasures of the kings's house
Egypt plunders the temple
2 Chronicles 20:25
Jehoshaphat and the Neighbours (2 Chronicles 20:1-30)
Destruction of the armies of the Ammonites and the Moabites, The
Spoils of war, The
Battle of Jehoshaphat
Battle of Jehoshaphat

(6 pictures)
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
2 Chronicles 21:11
Jehoram's Sin and Punishment (2 Kings 8:16-24; 2 Chronicles 21:4-20)
There came a writing to him from Elijah the prophet
2 Chronicles 26:23
King Azariah (Uzziah) (2 Kings 15:1-7; 2 Chronicles 26)
King Uzziah stricken with leprosy
Punishment in the temple - King Uzziah becomes a leper
Fault of the king, The
Dreaded skin-disease broke out on his forehead, A *

2 Chronicles 28:27
The Unfaithfulness and Punishment of Ahaz (2 Kings 16:1-9; 2 Chronicles 28; Isaiah 7:1-9)
Oded in the host of Samaria
Now hear me therefore, and deliver the captives again
Isaiah and Ahaz at Shiloah
Oded confronts Israel

2 Chronicles 29:6
Hezekiah's Cultic Reforms (2 Kings 18:3f.; 2 Chronicles 29:2-31:21)
Hezekiah destroys the sacred items
King Hezekiah orders the destruction of idols
Hezekiah's reforms
Hezikiah removes the bronze serpent

(12 pictures)
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
2 KINGS 18 ;
2 Chronicles 33:11
King Manasseh (2 Kings 21:1-18; 2 Chronicles 33:1-20)
Manasseh taken captive
Manasseh's apostacy
Manasseh taken captive
Manasseh's sin and repentance