1 Samuel 2:28
- The Boy Samuel, and Eli's Wicked Sons (1 Samuel 2:11-36)
Samuel and Eli
Samuel before Eli
Scandalous deportment of the sons of Eli, The
Angel prophesies to Eli the coming undoing of himself and his family, An
1 Samuel 7:3
- The Philistines Subdued at Mizpah (1 Samuel 7:2-14)
As Samuel was offering up the burnt-offering
Samuel sacrifices a lamb. The Israelites defeat the Philistines at Mizpah.
Israel's victory through repentance and prayer
Defeat of the Philistines
1 Samuel 15:6
- The Lord Rejects Saul (1 Samuel 15)
Saul tears Samuel's robe
Samuel's reproach to Saul
Death of Agag
Samuel hews Agag in pieces before the Lord in Gilgal