1 Kings 5:9
The Construction of the Temple (1 Kings 5f.; 2 Chronicles 2f.)
Solomon builds the temple
Construction of the temple
Temple of Solomon, The
Cutting down cedars for the construction of the temple

(48 pictures)
Related Chapter:
1 KINGS 5 ;
1 Kings 8:35
Prayer, Blessing, and Dedication (1 Kings 8:12-66; 2 Chronicles 6:1-7:10)
Prayer of Solomon
Fire came down from heaven, and consumed the burnt-offering
Solomon offers sacrifices at the dedication of the temple
Solomon's prayer at the dedication of the temple

1 Kings 8:46
Prayer, Blessing, and Dedication (1 Kings 8:12-66; 2 Chronicles 6:1-7:10)
Prayer of Solomon
Fire came down from heaven, and consumed the burnt-offering
Solomon offers sacrifices at the dedication of the temple
Solomon's prayer at the dedication of the temple

1 Kings 18:12
Elijah and Obadiah (1 Kings 18:1-16)
Obadiah hides the Lord's prophets
Obadiah delivers message to Ahab
Obadiah hides prophets