1 John 5:13-20
[1Jo 5:14] Jesus, My Strength, My Hope
Jesus, my Strength, my Hope,
On Thee I cast my care,
With humble confidence look up,
And know Thou hear’st my prayer.
Give me on Thee to wait
Till I can all things do;
On Thee, almighty to create,
Almighty to renew.I want a sober mind,
A self-renouncing will,
That tramples down and casts behind
The baits of pleasing ill;
A soul inured to pain,
To hardship, grief, and loss,
Bold to take up, firm to sustain
The consecrated cross.I want a godly fear,
A quick discerning eye
That looks to Thee when sin is near
And sees the tempter fly;
A spirit still prepared
And armed with jealous care,
Forever standing on its guard
And watching unto prayer.I want a heart to pray,
To pray and never cease,
Never to murmur at Thy stay,
Or wish my sufferings less.
This blessing, above all,
Always to pray, I want,
Out of the deep on Thee to call,
And never, never faint.I want a true regard,
A single, steady aim,
Unmoved by threat’ning or reward
To Thee and Thy great Name.
A jealous, just concern
For Thine immortal praise;
A pure desire that all may learn
And glorify Thy grace.I rest upon Thy Word;
The promise is for me;
My comfort and salvation, Lord,
Shall surely come from Thee.
But let me still abide,
Nor from my hope remove,
Till Thou my patient spirit guide
Into Thy perfect love.I want with all my heart
Thy pleasure to fulfill,
To know myself, and what Thou art,
And what Thy perfect will.
I want I know not what,
I want my wants to see,
I want—alas! what want I not,
When Thou art not in me?Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 5:18] O Lord, Our Strength In Weakness
O Lord, our strength in weakness,
We pray to Thee for grace,
For power to fight the battle,
For speed to run the race;
When Thy baptismal waters
Were poured upon our brow,
We then were made Thy children
And pledged our earliest vow.Christ with His own blood bought us,
And made the purchase sure;
His are we; may He keep us
Sober, and chaste, and pure.
He, God in Man, has carried
Our nature up to Heaven;
And thence the Holy Spirit
To dwell in us has given.Conformed to His own likeness,
May we so live and die,
That in the grave our bodies
In holy peace may lie;
And at the Resurrection
Forth from those graves may spring
Like to the glorious body
Of Christ, our Lord and King.The pure in heart are blessèd
For they shall see the Lord,
For ever and for ever,
By seraphim adored;
And they shall drink the pleasure
Such as no tongue can tell
From the clear crystal river,
And life’s eternal well.Sing therefore to the Father,
Who sent the Son in love;
And sing to God the Savior
Who leads to realms above;
Sing we with saints and angels
Before the heavenly throne,
To God the Holy Spirit,
Sing to the Three in One.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 5:20] We All Believe In One True God
We all believe in one true God,
Who created earth and Heaven,
The Father, who to us in love
Hath the right of children given.
He both soul and body feedeth,
All we need He doth provide us;
He thro’ snares and perils leadeth,
Watching that no harm betide us.
He careth for us day and night,
All things are governed by His might.We all believe in Jesus Christ,
His own Son, our Lord, possessing
An equal Godhead, throne, and might,
Source of every grace and blessing.
Born of Mary, virgin mother,
By the power of the Spirit,
Made true man, our elder Brother,
That the lost might life inherit.
Was crucified for sinful men
And raised by God to life again.We all confess the Holy Ghost,
Who sweet grace and comfort giveth
And with the Father and the Son
In eternal glory liveth;
Who the Church, His own creation,
Keeps in unity of Spirit.
Here forgiveness and salvation
Daily come thro’ Jesus’ merit.
All flesh shall rise, and we shall be
In bliss with God eternally.Play source: Cyberhymnal