1 John 5:1-12
[1Jo 5:1] Firmly I Believe And Truly
Firmly I believe and truly
God is Three, and God is One;
And I next acknowledge duly
Manhood taken by the Son.And I trust and hope most fully
In that Manhood crucified;
And each thought and deed unruly
Do to death, as He has died.Simply to His grace and wholly
Light and life and strength belong,
And I love supremely, solely,
Him the holy, Him the strong.And I hold in veneration,
For the love of Him alone,
Holy Church as His creation,
And her teachings are His own.And I take with joy whatever
Now besets me, pain or fear,
And with a strong will I sever
All the ties which bind me here.Adoration aye be given,
With and through the angelic host,
To the God of earth and Heaven,
Father, Son and Holy Ghost.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 5:4] Eternal Gifts Of Christ The King, The
The eternal gifts of Christ the King,
The Apostles’ glorious deeds, we sing;
And while due hymns of praise we pay,
Our thankful hearts cast grief away.The Church in these her princes boasts,
These victor chiefs of warriors hosts;
The soldiers of the heavenly hall,
The lights that rose on earth for all.’Twas thus the yearning faith of saints,
The unconquered hope that never faints,
The love of Christ that knows not shame,
The prince of this world overcame.In these the Father’s glory shone;
In these the will of God the Son;
In these exults the Holy Ghost;
Through these rejoice the heavenly host.Redeemer, hear us of Thy love,
That, with this glorious band above,
Hereafter, of Thine endless grace,
Thy servants also may have place.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 5:4] Faith Brings The Victory
Do you see in the distance yonder,
That line drawn up in array?
’Tis the host of the Loyal Leaguers,
Come forth to the conquest day.
They follow the bloodstained banner,
And the path that their Master trod,
For their sign is the cross of Calv’ry,
And their sword is the Word of God.Refrain
Victory, we’ll sing of victory,
For Christ hath promised us the victory;
Victory, we’ll sing of victory,
Faith brings the victory.They are marching away to conquest
That shall never know a defeat,
For the Christ hath assured all vict’ry
Who are faithful and scorn retreat.
Then join this advancing army,
And look to the throne above,
Lift the form of thy fallen brother,
And point to the God of love.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 5:4] Faith Is The Victory
Encamped along the hills of light,
Ye Christian soldiers, rise.
And press the battle ere the night
Shall veil the glowing skies.
Against the foe in vales below
Let all our strength be hurled.
Faith is the victory, we know,
That overcomes the world.Refrain
Faith is the victory! Faith is the victory!
O glorious victory, that overcomes the world.His banner over us is love,
Our sword the Word of God.
We tread the road the saints above
With shouts of triumph trod.
By faith, they like a whirlwind’s breath,
Swept on o’er every field.
The faith by which they conquered death
Is still our shining shield.Refrain
On every hand the foe we find
Drawn up in dread array.
Let tents of ease be left behind,
And onward to the fray.
Salvation’s helmet on each head,
With truth all girt about,
The earth shall tremble ’neath our tread,
And echo with our shout.Refrain
To him that overcomes the foe,
White raiment shall be giv’n.
Before the angels he shall know
His name confessed in Heav’n.
Then onward from the hill of light,
Our hearts with love aflame,
We’ll vanquish all the hosts of night,
In Jesus’ conqu’ring Name.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 5:4] I’ll Overcome Some Day
This world is one great battlefield
With forces all arrayed,
If in my heart I do not yield
I’ll overcome some day.
I’ll overcome some day,
I’ll overcome some day,
If in my heart I do not yield,
I’ll overcome some day.Both seen and unseen powers join
To drive my soul astray,
But with His Word a sword of mine,
I’ll overcome some day.
I’ll overcome some day,
I’ll overcome some day,
But with His Word a sword of mine,
I’ll overcome some day.A thousand snares are set for me,
And mountains in my way,
If Jesus will my leader be,
I’ll overcome some day.
I’ll overcome some day,
I’ll overcome some day,
If Jesus will my leader be,
I’ll overcome some day.I fail so often when I try
My Savior to obey;
It pains my heart and then I cry,
Lord, make me strong some day.
Lord, make me strong some day,
Lord, make me strong some day;
It pains my heart and then I cry,
Lord, make me strong some day.My mind is not to do the wrong,
But walk the narrow way;
I’m praying as I journey on,
To overcome some day.
To overcome some day,
To overcome some day;
I’m praying as I journey on,
To overcome some day.Though many a time no signs appear,
Of answer when I pray;
My Jesus says I need not fear,
He’ll make it plain some day.
I’ll be like Him some day,
I’ll be like Him some day;
My Jesus says I need not fear,
He’ll make it plain some day.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 5:4] This Is The Victory
March to the battlefield, march on with sword and shield;
March on; the foe shall yield to Christ our King.
Onward, ye faithful band, onward at His command;
Onward, nor halting stand, but loudly sing.Refrain
This is the victory, this is the victory,
This is the victory, we sing by the way;
This is the victory, this is the victory,
This is the victory, and faith gains the day.Stand firm against thy foes; stand, though a host oppose;
Stand! well our Leader knows our conflicts all.
“Fear not,” He says to thee, “Fear not, but valiant be,
Fear not, but trust in Me; the foe must fall.”Refrain
Fight, though thy foes increase; fight, till the dawn of peace;
Fight, till the war shall cease, then shout and sing.
Shout, then triumphantly, shout, shout the victory;
Shout, “Glory be to Thee, O Lord, our King!”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 5:4] Victory
Hallelujah, what a thought!
Jesus full salvation brought,
Victory, victory.
Let the pow’rs of sin assail,
Heaven’s grace can never fail,
Victory, victory.Refrain
Victory, yes, victory.
Hallelujah! I am free,
Jesus gives me victory.
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
He is all in all to me.I am trusting in the Lord,
I am standing on His Word,
Victory, victory.
I have peace and joy within,
Since my life is free from sin,
Victory, victory.Refrain
Shout your freedom ev’rywhere,
His eternal peace declare,
Victory, victory.
Let us sing it here below,
In the face of ev’ry foe,
Victory, victory.Refrain
We will sing it on that shore,
When this fleeting life is o’er,
Victory, victory.
Sing it here, ye ransomed throng,
Start the everlasting song:
Victory, victory.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 5:4] Victory In My Soul
The burden of my fear and sin
On Christ by faith I roll;
And now I have His peace within
And victory in my soul.Refrain
There’s victory in my soul,
Victory in my soul;
I grasp the promises by faith,
There’s victory in my soul.I know there is a test for me,
A battle to be won;
But God ensures the victory
Before it is begun.Refrain
On battlefields of long ago,
When saints have drawn the sword,
Their strength did not o’ercome the foe,
But trusting in the Lord.Refrain
While leaning on His arm alone
I cannot know defeat;
The glory shall be all His own
When victory is complete.Refrain
E’en death itself I do not fear
Since Christ hath borne its sting;
His presence through the valley drear
Will help us then to sing.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 5:7] I Worship Thee, O Holy Ghost
I worship Thee, O Holy Ghost,
I love to worship Thee;
My risen Lord for aye were lost
But for Thy company.I worship Thee, O Holy Ghost,
I love to worship Thee;
I grieved Thee long, alas! Thou know’st
It grieves me bitterly.I worship Thee, O Holy Ghost,
I love to worship Thee;
Thy patient love, at what a cost
At last it conquered me!I worship Thee, O Holy Ghost,
I love to worship Thee;
With Thee each day is Pentecost,
Each night Nativity.Play source: Cyberhymnal