1 John 1:3
[1Jo 1:3] How Can We Sinners Know
How can we sinners know
Our sins on earth forgiven?
How can my gracious Savior show
My name inscribed in heaven?What we have felt and seen,
With confidence we tell,
And publish to the ends of earth
The signs infallible.We who in Christ believe
That He for us hath died,
We all His unknown peace receive
And feel His blood applied.Exults for joy our rising soul,
Disburthened of her load,
And swells, unutterably full
Of glory and of God.His love surpasses far
The love of all beneath,
We find within, and dare
The pointless darts of death.Stronger than death, or sin, or hell,
The mystic power we prove,
And conquerors of the world we dwell
In heaven, who dwell in love.We by His Spirit prove
And know the things of God,
The things which freely of His love
He hath on us bestowed.The meek and lowly heart
That in our Savior was,
To us that Spirit doth impart
And sign us with His cross.Our nature’s turned, our mind
Transformed in all its powers,
And both the witnesses are joined,
The Spirit of God with ours.His glory is our sole design,
We live our God to please,
And rise with filial fear divine
To perfect holiness.The Spirit of my God
Hath certified Him mine,
And all the tokens showed,
Infallible, divine.Hereby the pardoned sinner knows
His sins on earth forgiven,
And thus my gracious Savior shows
My name inscribed in Heaven.Play source: Cyberhymnal
1 John 1:7
[1Jo 1:7] Blood Will Never Lose Its Power, The
The blood that Jesus once shed for me,
As my Redeemer, upon the tree;
The blood that setteth the pris’ner free,
Will never lose its pow’r.Refrain
It will never lose its pow’r,
It will never lose its pow’r;
The blood that cleanses from all sin
Will never lose its pow’r.It gives us access to God on high,
From “far off places” it brings us nigh;
To precious blessings that never die,
It will never lose its pow’r.Refrain
It is a shelter for rich and poor,
It is to Heaven the open door;
The sinner’s merit forevermore,
It will never lose its pow’r.Refrain
And when with all the blood washed throng
We sing in glory redemption’s song;
We’ll pass the glorious truth along,
It has never lost its pow’r.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 1:7] Cleansed In Our Savior’s Precious Blood
Cleansed in our Savior’s precious blood,
Filled with the fullness of our God,
Walking by faith the path He trod,
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!Leaning our heads on Jesus’ breast,
Knowing the joy of that sweet rest,
Finding in Him the chief, the best,
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!Kept by His power from day to day,
Held by His hand, we cannot stray,
Glory to glory all the way,
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!Living in us His own pure life,
Giving us rest from inward strife,
From strength to strength, from death to life,
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!O what a Savior we have found!
Well may we make the world resound,
With one continual joyous sound,
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 1:7] Deeper Yet
In the blood from the cross,
I have been washed from sin;
But to be free from dross,
Still I would enter in.Refrain
Deeper yet, deeper yet,
Into the crimson flood;
Deeper yet, deeper yet,
Under the precious blood.Day by day, hour by hour,
Blessings are sent to me;
But for more of His power,
Ever my prayer shall be.Refrain
Near to Christ I would live,
Following Him each day;
What I ask He will give;
So then with faith I pray.Refrain
Now I have peace, sweet peace,
While in this world of sin;
But to pray I’ll not cease
Till I am pure within.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 1:7] Half Has Never Been Told, The
I know I love Thee better, Lord
Than any earthly joy,
For Thou hast given me the peace
Which nothing can destroy.Refrain
The half has never yet been told,
Of love so full and free;
The half has never yet been told,
The blood—it cleanseth me.I know that Thou art nearer still
Than any earthly throng.
And sweeter is the thought of Thee
Than any lovely song.Refrain
Thou hast put gladness in my heart;
Then well may I be glad!
Without the secret of Thy love
I could not but be sad.Refrain
O Savior, precious Savior mine!
What will Thy presence be
If such a life of joy can crown
Our walk on earth with Thee?Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 1:7] He Saves Me Through And Through
The blood that Jesus shed for me
When groaning, dying on the tree,
From all transgression cleanseth me,
And saves me through and through.Refrain
Saved, saved, yes, I am saved,
My heart is created anew;
The blood of Jesus cleanseth me,
And saves me through and through.In perfect trust I now resign
My all to Him whose will is mine;
He fills my soul with love divine,
And saves me through and through.Refrain
No angel tongue such praise can bring,
Nor learn the song that now I sing
To Him, my Prophet, Priest and King,
Who saves me through and through.Refrain
I know not what my joy will be,
When face to face my Lord I see,
But this I know, He cleanseth me,
And saves me through and through.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 1:7] He Who Once In Righteous Vengeance
He Who once in righteous vengeance
Whelmed the world beneath the flood,
Once again in mercy cleansed it
With His own most precious blood,
Coming from His throne on high
On the painful cross to die.O the wisdom of th’Eternal!
O the depth of love divine!
O the sweetness of that mercy
Which in Jesus Christ did shine!
We were sinners doomed to die;
Jesus paid the penalty.When before the Judge we tremble,
Conscious of His broken laws,
May the blood of His atonement
Cry aloud, and plead our cause,
Bid our guilty terrors cease,
Be our pardon and our peace.Prince and Author of salvation,
Lord of Majesty supreme,
Jesu, praise to Thee be given
By the world Thou didst redeem;
Glory to the Father be
And the Spirit One with Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 1:7] His Blood Has Made Me Whole
I sought in tears my Savior’s cross,
He turned and looked on me:
“Behold,” He said, “the crimson fount
Where flows My blood for thee!”Refrain
O precious blood! oh, hallowed blood!
Thy sacred fount I see;
It cleanseth all, whoever will;
Praise God, it cleanseth me.With trembling step, beneath its flood
I plunged my guilty soul,
That now redeemed, can shout aloud—
His blood has made me whole!Refrain
O, love divine, where shall my tongue
Its song of praise begin?
The precious blood of Christ, my Lord,
Has covered all my sin.Refrain
It gave me life, it gave me joy!
With perfect healing power
It saved through faith my broken heart,
And saves me every hour.Refrain
source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 1:7] It Cleanseth Me
There is a stream that flows from Calvary,
A crimson tide so deep and wide.
It washes whiter than the purest snow;
It cleanseth me, I know.Refrain
Hallelujah! ’tis His blood that cleanseth me,
’Tis His grace that makes me free.
And my brother, ’tis for thee.
Oh, hallelujah! ’tis salvation full and free;
And it cleanseth, yes, it cleanseth me.Its saving virtues ever are the same,
It cleanseth still, and always will.
Poor sinners who will seek the Savior’s face
Shall know His wondrous grace.Refrain
No other fountain can for sin atone
But Jesus’ blood, O precious flood!
And whosoever will may plunge therein,
And be made free from sin.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 1:7] It Is The Blood That Washes White
It is the blood that washes white,
That makes me pure within,
That keeps the inward witness right,
That cleanses from all sin.It is the blood that sweeps away
The power of Satan’s rod,
That shows the new and living way
That leads to Heav’n and God.It is the blood that brings us nigh
To holiness and Heav’n,
The source of victory and joy,
God’s life for rebels giv’n.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 1:7] O That My Load Of Sin Were Gone!
O that my load of sin were gone!
O that I could at last submit
At Jesus’ feet to lay it down,
To lay my soul at Jesus’ feet!Rest for my soul I long to find:
Savior of all, if mine Thou art,
Give me Thy meek and lowly mind,
And stamp Thine image on my heart.Break off the yoke of inbred sin,
And fully set my spirit free:
I cannot rest till pure within,
Till I am wholly lost in Thee.Fain I would learn of Thee, my God;
Thy light and easy burden prove,
The cross, all stained with hallowed blood,
The labor of Thy dying love.I would, but Thou must give the power;
My heart from every sin release;
Bring near, bring near the joyful hour,
And fill me with Thy perfect peace.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 1:7] Saved By The Blood (crosby)
We’re saved by the blood
That was drawn from the side
Of Jesus our Lord,
When He languished and died.Refrain
Hallelujah to God,
For redemption so free;
Hallelujah, hallelujah,
Dear Savior, to Thee.O yes, ’tis the blood
Of the Lamb that was slain;
He conquered the grave,
And He liveth again.Refrain
We’re saved by the blood;
We are sealed by its power;
’Tis life to the soul,
And is hope every hour.Refrain
That blood is a fount
Where the vilest may go
And wash till their souls
Shall be whiter than snow.Refrain
We’re saved by the blood,
Hallelujah again;
We’re saved by the blood,
Hallelujah, Amen.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 1:7] Under The Blood (guirey)
My sins, which were many, are all washed away,
And now I am happy and free;
I sing of God’s mercy by night and by day,
His wonderful mercy to me.Refrain
My sins are all under the blood,
I’m washed in the soul-healing flood;
Christ died in my place;
I am saved by His grace;
Praise God, I’m under the blood.In Calvary’s fountain there’s life-giving power;
I plunged and my heart was made whole;
And now I am trusting my Savior each hour;
His glory is filling my soul.Refrain
There’s room in this fountain for all who will come,
There’s pardon and cleansing for you;
The moment you enter your healing is won,
And you are a creature made new.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 1:7] Under The Blood (hewitt)
Lord, keep my soul from day to day,
Under the blood, under the blood;
Take doubt and fear and sin away,
Under the precious blood.Refrain
Under the blood, the precious blood,
Under the cleansing, healing flood;
Keep me, Savior, from day to day;
Under the precious blood.The sinner’s refuge here alone,
Under the blood, under the blood;
Here Jesus makes salvation known,
Under the precious blood.Refrain
Lord, with Thyself my spirit fill,
Under the blood, under the blood;
And work in me to do Thy will,
Under the precious blood.Refrain
Sweet peace abides within the heart,
Under the blood, under the blood;
And gifts divine their joy impart,
Under the precious blood.Refrain
The Holy Spirit, hour by hour,
Under the blood, under the blood,
Exerts His sanctifying power,
Under the precious blood.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 1:7] Walk In The Light
Walk in the light: so shalt thou know
That fellowship of love
His Spirit only can bestow
Who reigns in light above.Walk in the light: and sin abhorred
Shall ne’er defile again;
The blood of Jesus Christ, thy Lord,
Shall cleanse from every stain.Walk in the light: and thou shalt find
Thy heart made truly His
Who dwells in cloudless light enshrined
In Whom no darkness is.Walk in the light: and thou shalt own
Thy darkness passed away,
Because that light hath on thee shone
In which is perfect day.Walk in the light: and e’en the tomb
No fearful shade shall wear;
Glory shall chase away its gloom,
For Christ has conquered there.Walk in the light: and thine shall be
A path, though thorny, bright;
For God, by grace, shall dwell in thee,
And God Himself is light.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 1:7] Walking In The Good Old Way
We are traveling on with our staff in hand,
Walking in the good old way;
We are pilgrims bound for the heavenly land,
Walking in the good old way.Refrain
Walking in the blessedness of love untold,
Traveling to a country that will ne’er grow old,
Jesus our Redeemer we shall there behold,
Home in the realms of day.We are traveling on through a world of sin,
Walking in the good old way;
Though our foes are strong we have peace within,
Walking in the good old way.Refrain
We are traveling on in the Master’s Name,
Walking in the good old way;
And we sing His praise with a loud acclaim,
Walking in the good old way.Refrain
We are traveling on to the rolling tide,
Walking in the good old way;
But we trust in Him who is still our Guide,
Walking in the good old way.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 1:7] Yes, I Know!
Come, ye sinners, lost and hopeless,
Jesus’ blood can make you free;
For He saved the worst among you,
When He saved a wretch like me.Refrain
And I know, yes, I know
Jesus’ blood can make the vilest sinner clean,
And I know, yes, I know
Jesus’ blood can make the vilest sinner clean.To the faint He giveth power,
Through the mountains makes a way;
Findeth water in the desert,
Turns the night to golden day.Refrain
In temptation He is near thee,
Holds the pow’rs of hell at bay;
Guides you to the path of safety,
Gives you grace for ev’ry day.Refrain
He will keep thee while the ages
Roll throughout eternity;
Though earth hinders and hell rages,
All must work for good to thee.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal