1 Corinthians 15:42-54
[1Co 15:45] Upon The Sixth Day Of The Week
Upon the sixth day of the week
The first man had his birth,
In God’s own image bright and pure
Created from the earth.Upon the sixth day of the week
The second Adam died,
And by the second Adam’s death
Man was revivified.Upon the seventh day of the week
God from His works did rest,
And on that holy Sabbath day
The works of God were blessed.Upon the seventh day of the week
Christ in the grave did rest,
The grave is now a holy place;
A Sabbath for the blest.By tasting the forbidden tree
Man fell in Paradise;
Upon the tree Christ tasted death,
And by His death we rise.Christ in a garden buried lay,
Which spring-flowers did adorn;
And there our Resurrection bloomed
On the bright Easter morn.The grave itself a garden is,
Where loveliest flowers abound,
For Christ our amaranthine Life
Sprang from the holy ground.He by the Spirit once was born
Pure from the virgin’s womb,
And by the Spirit once again,
Born from the virgin tomb.Oh give us grace to die to sin,
That we, O Lord, may have
A holy, happy rest with Thee,
A Sabbath in the grave.O may we buried be with Thee,
And with Thee, Lord, arise
To an eternal Easter-day
Of glory in the skies!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Co 15:51] The Great Archangel’s Trump
The great archangel’s trump shall sound,
While twice ten thousand thunders roar
Tear up the graves, and cleave the ground,
And make the greedy sea restore.The greedy sea shall yield her dead,
The earth no more her slain conceal;
Sinners shall lift their guilty head,
And shrink to see a yawning hell.But we, who now our Lord confess,
And faithful to the end endure,
Shall stand in Jesus’ righteousness,
Stand, as the Rock of ages, sure.We, while the stars from heaven shall fall,
And mountains are on mountains hurled,
Shall stand unmoved amidst them all,
And smile to see a burning world.The earth, and all the works therein,
Dissolve, by raging flames destroyed,
While we survey the awful scene,
And mount above the fiery void.By faith we now transcend the skies,
And on that ruined world look down;
By love above all height we rise,
And share the everlasting throne.source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Co 15:51] In The Twinkling Of An Eye
When the trump of the great archangel
Its mighty tones shall sound,
And, the end of the age proclaiming,
Shall pierce the depths profound;
When the Son of Man shall come in His glory
To take the saints on high,
What a shouting in the skies from the multitudes that rise,
Changed in the twinkling of an eye.Refrain
Changed in the twinkling of an eye,
Changed in the twinkling of an eye,
The trumpet shall sound, the dead shall be raised,
Changed in the twinkling of an eye.When He comes in the clouds descending,
And they who loved Him here,
From their graves shall awake and praise Him
With joy and not with fear;
When the body and the soul are united,
And clothed no more to die,
What a shouting there will be when each other’s face we see,
Changed in the twinkling of an eye.Refrain
O the seed that was sown in weakness
Shall then be raised in pow’r
And the songs of the blood bought millions
Shall hail that blissful hour;
When we gather safely home in the morning,
And night’s dark shadows fly,
What a shouting on the shore when we meet to part no more,
Changed in the twinkling of an eye.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Co 15:51] Soon Will Our Savior From Heaven Appear
Soon will our Savior from Heaven appear,
Sweet is the hope and its power to cheer;
All will be changed by a glimpse of His face;
This is the goal at the end of our race.Refrain
Oh, what a change! Oh, what a change!
When I shall see His wonderful face!
Oh, what a change! Oh, what a change!
When I shall see His face!Loneliness changed to reunion complete,
Absence exchanged for a place at His feet,
Sleeping ones raised in a moment of time,
Living ones changed to His image sublime.Refrain
Sunrise will chase all the darkness away,
Night will be changed to the brightness of day,
Tempests will change to ineffable calm,
Weeping will change to a jubilant psalm.Refrain
Weakness will change to magnificent strength,
Failure will change to perfection at length,
Sorrow will change to unending delight,
Walking by faith change to walking by sight.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Co 15:51] We Are Going Down The Valley
We are going down the valley one by one,
With our faces tow’rd the setting of the sun;
Down the valley where the mournful cypress grows,
Where the stream of death in silence onward flows.Refrain
We are going down the valley,
Going down the valley,
Going tow’rd the setting of the sun;
We are going down the valley,
Going down the valley,
Going down the valley one by one.We are going down the valley one by one,
When the labors of the weary day are done;
One by one, the cares of earth forever past,
We shall stand upon the river brink at last.Refrain
We are going down the valley one by one:
Human comrade you or I will there have none;
But a tender hand will guide us lest we fall:
Christ is going down the valley with us all.Refrain
We are going down the valley one by one:
Yet before the shadowed vale may come the dawn,
When with rapture we shall gather in the sky;
“We shall all be changed,” but some shall never die!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Co 15:52] Day Of Judgment! Day Of Wonders!
Day of judgment! Day of wonders!
Hark! the trumpet’s awful sound,
Louder than a thousand thunders,
Shakes the vast creation round!
How the summons wilt the sinner’s heart confound!See the Judge, our nature wearing,
Clothed in majesty divine!
You who long for His appearing
Then shall say, “This God is mine!”
Gracious Savior, own me in that day for Thine!At His call the dead awaken,
Rise to life from earth and sea;
All the powers of nature shaken
By His look, prepares to flee.
Careless sinner, what will then become of thee?Horrors, past imagination,
Will surprise your trembling heart,
When you hear your condemnation,
“Hence, accursed wretch, depart!
Thou, with Satan and his angels, have thy part!”Satan, who now tries to please you,
Lest you timely warning take,
When that word is past, will seize you,
Plunge you in the burning lake:
Think, poor sinner, thy eternal all’s at stake.But to those who have confessèd,
Loved and served the Lord below,
He will say, “Come near, ye blessèd,
See the kingdom I bestow;
You forever shall My love and glory know.”Under sorrows and reproaches,
May this thought your courage raise!
Swiftly God’s great day approaches,
Sighs shall then be changed to praise.
We shall triumph when the world is in a blaze.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Co 15:54] Brighter Are The Sunbeams
Brighter are the sunbeams on this day,
O rejoice, heart and voice!
Sweeter buds unfolding by the way,
Telling of the quick’ning life of spring;
Bright sunbeams tell out the story
Of the Easter joy and glory,
And winter’s gone—cold and hoary,
All hail our Victor King.Refrain
Hallelujah to our Victor King!
“Go your way,” angels say;
Over hill and valley, tidings bring;
The Savior lives for us today.Hear the message from the leafy bough;
Robins sing, bluebells ring;
Every bud and blossom tells us now
Jesus rose triumphant o’er the grave;
Oh, seek the Lord, though in sorrow,
From the garden gladness borrow,
For after night dawns the morrow;
He cometh forth to save.Refrain
O, the happy springtime of the soul;
Shadows go, lilies blow;
Jesus makes the wounded spirit whole;
Love is blooming, singing in the heart;
For hope’s bright morn is awaking,
Night is passing, day is breaking,
And Christ, His own ne’er forsaking,
Bids every fear depart.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Co 15:54] He Is Risen (newell)
He is ris’n, our Lord is risen,
Christ hath burst death’s bonds in twain,
Left at dawn the rock-sealed prison,
Jesus lives, who once was slain.
Death is swallowed up in vict’ry,
Lo! the Lamb of Calvary—
Lives, with Heav’n and earth rejoicing,
For He sets the captive free.Refrain
He is ris’n, our Lord is ris’n,
Sing a glad triumphant strain!
He is ris’n, our Lord is ris’n,
Christ is ris’n! He lives again!Now the Morning Star in beauty
Shines upon our onward way,
Making light the path of duty,
That our footsteps ne’er shall stray.
He who vanquished death shall guide us,
Gently lead us by the hand,
Safely whatsoe’er betide us,
Till we reach the better land.Refrain
Christ is ris’n! proclaim the story
Till the waiting nations know,
Jesus lives, the King of glory!
Jesus lives, who loves us so.
That He suffered death to save us,
Shed His blood for one and all,
Sin can never more enslave us,
If upon His Name we call.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Co 15:54] Let Us Rejoice, The Fight Is Won
Let us rejoice, the fight is won,
Darkness is conquered, death undone,
Life triumphant! Alleluia!
So age to age each nation grows
More like the heart of Him Who rose.Refrain
Alleluia, alleluia,
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!Joy comes again! all shall be well,
Friends severed now in Heav’n shall dwell
Reunited! Alleluia!
The end of all our ways is love,
Then rise with Him to things above.Refrain
Thou boundless power, Thou God on high,
How could Thy children fear to die?
Joy immortal! Alleluia!
Thy right rewards, Thy love forgives;
We know that our Redeemer lives.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Co 15:54] Lift Up Your Hearts, Ye People
Lift up your hearts, ye people,
In songs of glad accord,
And in your adoration
Praise Christ, your risen Lord.
For He hath won the victory,
O’er sin and death’s dark night,
And filled the gloom and darkness
With resurrection light.Now let the earth be joyful
In springtime’s bright array,
Let hearts downcast and lonely
Rejoice this Easter day;
The grave hast lost its triumph,
And death has lost its sting,
O, sing in exultation
To Christ, your risen King!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Co 15:54] Victorious
Victorious! Victorious!
Christ has arisen glorious;
Where the fun’ral knell was tolled
Be the hymn of triumph rolled,
Let the palm’s green branches wave
O’er the slumber of the grave;
From its gloom victorious,
Christ has risen glorious,
Christ has risen glorious.Victorious! Victorious!
Christ has arisen glorious;
Where the heavy tomb was sealed
Gates of Paradise revealed,
Where the mourners wept around,
Faith looks up, with glory crowned.
O’er the grave, victorious,
Christ has risen glorious,
Christ has risen glorious.Victorious! Victorious!
Christ has arisen glorious;
On His brow the conqueror’s wreath,
In His hand the keys of death,
He shall buried hopes restore,
He shall live forevermore.
Over death victorious,
Christ has risen glorious,
Christ has risen glorious.Play source: Cyberhymnal