1 Chronicles 22:1--29:30
[1Ch 22:13] Be Strong!
Be strong!
We are not here to play, to dream, to drift;
We have hard work to do and loads to lift;
Shun not the struggle, face it, ’tis God’s gift.
Be strong, be strong, be strong!Be strong!
Say not the days are evil—who’s to blame?
And fold the hands and acquiesce—O shame!
Stand up, speak out, and bravely, in God’s Name.
Be strong, be strong, be strong!Be strong!
It matters not how deep entrenched the wrong,
How hard the battle goes, the day, how long;
Faint not, fight on! Tomorrow comes the song.
Be strong, be strong, be strong!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ch 22:13] Courage, Brother, Do Not Stumble
Courage, brother, do not stumble,
Though thy path be dark as night;
There’s a star to guide the humble:
Trust in God and do the right.
Let the road be rough and dreary,
And its end far out of sight,
Foot it bravely; strong or weary,Refrain
Trust in God, trust in God,
Trust in God and do the right.Perish policy and cunning,
Perish all that fears the light!
Whether losing, whether winning,
Trust in God and do the right,
Trust no party, sect or faction;
Trust no leaders in the fight;
Put in every word or action,Refrain
Some will hate thee, some will love thee,
Some will flatter, some will slight;
Cease from man, and look above thee:
Trust in God and do the right.
Simple rule, and safest guiding,
Inward peace and inward might,
Star upon our path abiding,Refrain
Trust no lovely forms of passion—
Fiends may look like angels bright;
Trust no custom, school or fashion:
Trust in God, and do the right.
Simple rule, and safest guiding,
Inward peace, and inward might,
Star upon our path abiding,Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ch 22:13] March On, O Soul, With Strength
March on, O soul, with strength!
Like those strong men of old
Who ’gainst enthronèd wrong
Stood confident and bold;
Who, thrust in prison or cast to flame
Still made their glory in Thy Name.The sons of fathers we
By whom our faith is taught
To fear no ill, to fight
The holy fight they fought;
Heroic warriors, ne’er from Christ
By any lure or guile enticed.March on, O soul, with strength,
As strong the battle rolls!
’Gainst lies and lusts and wrongs,
Let courage rule our souls;
In keenest strife, Lord, may we stand,
Upheld and strengthened by Thy hand.Not long the conflict: soon
The holy war shall cease,
Faith’s warfare ended, won
The home of endless peace!
Look up! the victor’s crown at length!
March on, O soul, march on, with strength!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ch 23:30] In The Morning I Will Raise
In the morning I will raise
To my God the voice of praise;
With His kind protection blest,
Sweet and deep has been my rest.In the morning I will pray
For His blessing on the day;
What this day shall be my lot,
Light or darkness, I know not.Should it be with clouds o’ercast,
Clouds of sorrow gathering fast,
Thou, who givest light divine,
Shine with me, Lord, O shine.Show me, if I tempted be,
How to find all strength in Thee,
And a perfect triumph win
Over every bosom sin.Keep my feet from secret snares,
Keep my eyes, O God, from tears,
Every step Thy grace attend,
And my soul from death defend.Then when fall the shades of night,
All within shall still be light;
Thou wilt peace around diffuse,
Gently as the evening dews.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ch 23:30] Let Songs Of Praise Arise
Let songs of praise arise
To God at early morn,
When golden beams from eastern skies
The mountain peaks adorn.When plumaged songsters raise
Their varied notes of joy,
When blossoms breathe their fragrant praise,
Let praise our tongues employ.At noontide, too, O Lord,
Thy praise shall be our theme,
When floods of burning light are poured
O’er mountain, vale and stream.At evening’s starlit hour,
Still be His praise expressed,
When countless stars of light,
His pow’r and watchful love attest.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ch 26:30] Service Of The King, The
I pledge my spirit loyal
To the service of the King;
The privilege is royal,
In the service of the King;
I pledge to Him forever
My loftiest endeavor,
And naught my soul shall sever
From the service of the King.Refrain
In the service of the King
My sweetest songs I’ll sing,
While I with joy my pow’rs employ,
In the service of the King.There is no joy so holy
As the service of the King;
There’s room for e’en the lowly
In the service of the King;
If all the world but knew Him,
How all would hasten to Him,
And highest honor do Him,
In the service of the King.Refrain
In yonder realms immortal
There is service for the King;
We pass the shining portal
To the service of the King;
Amid the glories o’er Him,
Where angel hosts adore Him,
I, too, shall stand before him,
In the service of the King.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ch 29:2] Lord, In The Fullness Of My Might
Lord, in the fullness of my might,
I would for Thee be strong:
While runneth o’er each dear delight,
To Thee should soar my song.I would not give the world my heart,
And then profess Thy love;
I would not feel my strength depart,
And then Thy service prove.I would not with swift wingèd zeal
On the world’s errands go,
And labor up the heavenly hill
With weary feet and slow.O not for Thee my weak desires,
My poorer, baser part!
O not for Thee my fading fires,
The ashes of my heart!O choose me in my golden time:
In my clear joys have part!
For Thee the glory of my prime,
The fullness of my heart!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ch 29:5] Consecration Hour Is Nigh, The
The consecration hour is nigh,
And as these moments quickly fly,
We linger here to meet our Lord,
And listen for His gracious word.Dependent on Thy love divine,
What have we, Lord, that is not Thine?
For Thou didst first each gift bestow
And all things to Thy grace we owe.Naught that we have our own we call;
To Thee we would devote our all;
And, if a sacrifice it be,
We make it willingly for Thee.Made strong by Thine indwelling grace
We will with courage run our race,
Looking to Thee, Author of Faith:
Oh! make us faithful unto death.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ch 29:5] Lord, In The Strength Of Grace
Lord, in the strength of grace,
With a glad heart and free,
Myself, my residue of days,
I consecrate to Thee.Thy ransomed servant, I
Restore to Thee Thy own;
And, from this moment, live or die
To serve my God alone.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ch 29:11] Honor And Glory, Power And Salvation
Honor and glory, power and salvation
Be in the highest unto Him Who reigneth,
Changeless in Heaven, over earthly changes,
God the eternal.Bow down before Him, people and nations,
See ye His glory, clearly now appearing,
Come ye and worship Him, God in the highest,
Ruler forever.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ch 29:11] Lord, We Come And Offer Praise
Lord, we come and offer praise—
Lord we give You thanks, and we praise Your Name.
God of Israel’s chosen race—
Lord we give You thanks, and we praise Your Name.
You’re the everlasting Lord—
Lord we give You thanks, and we praise Your Name.
Greatness and pow’r in You are stored—
Lord we give You thanks, and praise Your glorious Name.Yours the glory, splendor, too—
Lord we give You thanks, and we praise Your Name.
Heav’n and earth belong to You—
Lord we give You thanks, and we praise Your Name.
Yours the kingdom, now we call—
Lord we give You thanks, and we praise Your Name.
You’re the exalted head o’er all—
Lord we give You thanks, and praise Your glorious name.Wealth and honor from you spring—
Lord we give You thanks, and we praise Your Name.
You’re the Ruler of all things—
Lord we give You thanks, and we praise Your Name.
In Your hands are strength and pow’r—
Lord we give You thanks, and we praise Your Name.
You exalt, give strength each hour—
Lord we give You thanks, and praise Your glorious Name.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ch 29:11] Now Let All Loudly Sing Praise
Now let all loudly sing praise to God the Lord;
Christendom, proudly laud Him with one accord,
Gently He bids thee come before Him;
Haste, then, O Israel, now adore Him;
Haste, then, O Israel, now adore Him.For the Lord reigneth over the universe;
All He sustaineth, all things His praise rehearse,
The angel host His glory telling,
Psalter and harp are the anthem swelling;
Psalter and harp are the anthem swelling.Come, heathen races, cast off all grief and care,
For pleasant places your Savior doth prepare,
Where His blest Word abroad is sounded,
Pardon for sinners and grace unbounded;
Pardon for sinners and grace unbounded.Richly He feeds us always and everywhere;
Gently He leads us with a true father’s care;
The late and early rains He sends us,
Daily His blessing, His love, attends us,
Daily His blessing, His love, attends us.Sing we His praises Who is thus merciful;
Christendom raises songs to His glorious rule.
Rejoice! No foe shall now alarm us;
He will protect us, and who can harm us?
He will protect us, and who can harm us?Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ch 29:12] Lord Of All Power And Might
Lord of all power and might,
Father of love and light,
Speed on Thy Word!
O let the Gospel sound
All the wide world around,
Wherever man is found!
God speed His Word!Hail, blessèd Jubilee!
Thine, Lord, the glory be;
Thine was the mighty plan;
From Thee the work began;
Away with praise of man!
Glory to God!Lo, what embattled foes,
Stern in their hate, oppose
God’s holy Word!
One for His truth we stand,
Strong in His own right hand,
Firm as a martyr band:
God shield His Word!Onward shall be our course,
Despite all fraud and force;
God is before.
His words ere long shall run
Free as the noonday sun;
His purpose must be done:
God bless His Word!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ch 29:13] And Now This Holy Day
And now this holy day
Is drawing to its end,
Once more, to Thee, O Lord,
Our thanks and prayers we send.We thank Thee for this rest
From earthly care and strife;
We thank Thee for this help
To higher, holier life.We thank Thee for Thy house;
It is Thy palace-gate
Where Thou, upon Thy throne
Of mercy, still dost wait.We thank Thee for Thy Word,
Thy Gospel’s joyful sound;
Oh, may its holy fruits
Within our hearts abound!Yet, ere we go to rest,
Father, to Thee we pray,
Forgive the sins that stain
E’en this Thy holy day.Through Jesus let the past
Be blotted from Thy sight,
And let us all now sleep
At peace with Thee this night.To God the Father, Son,
And Spirit glory be,
From all in earth and Heav’n,
Through all eternity.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ch 29:13] For All The Blessings Of The Year
For all the blessings of the year,
For all the friends we hold so dear,
For peace on earth, both far and near,
We thank Thee, Lord.For life and health, those common things,
Which every day and hour brings,
For home, where our affection clings,
We thank Thee, Lord.For love of Thine, which never tires,
Which all our better thought inspires,
And warms our lives with heavenly fires,
We thank Thee, Lord.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ch 29:13] Now Our God
Now our God we give thanks to You, for all the things You have done.
You’ve shown Your grace in so many ways,
Your mercy and kindness and pow’r.
We thank You, thank You, thank You, Lord,
We thank You, thank You, thank You, Lord.Now our God we give love to You, for all the things You have done.
You’ve shown Your grace in so many ways,
Your mercy and kindness and pow’r.
We love You, love You, love You, Lord,
We love You, love You, love You, Lord.Now our God we give praise to You, for all the things You have done.
You’ve shown Your grace in so many ways,
Your mercy and kindness and pow’r.
We praise You, praise You, praise You, Lord,
We praise You, praise You, praise You, Lord.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ch 29:13] Praise The Savior, Ye Who Know Him
Praise the Savior, ye who know Him!
Who can tell how much we owe Him?
Gladly let us render to Him
All we are and have.Jesus is the Name that charms us,
He for conflict fits and arms us;
Nothing moves and nothing harms us
While we trust in Him.Trust in Him, ye saints, forever,
He is faithful, changing never;
Neither force nor guile can sever
Those He loves from Him.Keep us, Lord, O keep us cleaving
To Thyself, and still believing,
Till the hour of our receiving
Promised joys with Thee.Then we shall be where we would be,
Then we shall be what we should be,
Things that are not now, nor could be,
Soon shall be our own.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ch 29:13] We Thank You, Lord
We thank You, Lord, and worship You with gladness;
We praise Your Name and lift our hearts in song;
For You are good, Your love endures forever,
Your faithfulness continues all day long.
You’ve lavished us with every spiritual blessing;
We thank You, Lord, and praise You now in song.We thank You, Lord, for everyday provisions,
For daily food, for clothes and shelter too,
For health and strength and grace for every trial,
For this free land where we can worship You.
You crown each day with Your abundant goodness;
We thank You, Lord, and lift our praise to You.We thank You, Lord, for giving us salvation.
You sent Your Son that we might be forgiv’n.
Far as the east from west, our sins have vanished;
Now justified, we’re citizens of Heav’n.
You’ve sealed us with Your promised Holy Spirit;
We thank You, Lord, for love so freely giv’n!We thank You, Lord, for giving us the Bible
To guide our steps, if we’ll but hear and read,
And for Your Church, a worldwide living body,
That gives sweet fellowship and meets our need.
We are encouraged, and we worship gladly;
We thank You, Lord, You’ve made us rich indeed!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ch 29:14] Lord Jesus, Blessed Giver
Lord Jesus, blessèd Giver,
We give of Thine to Thee;
Thy gifts are like a river,
Full flowing, wide and free.
So let our love, outgoing
Among the songs of men,
Thy strength and joy bestowing,
Return Thy gifts again.O give us of Thy Spirit
That joys to give Its all;
Thy voice—O when we hear it
May we obey its call.
That voice whose call is pleading
From nations far away—
We hear it, we are heeding;
Lord, help us to obey.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ch 29:14] We Give Thee But Thine Own
We give Thee but Thine own,
Whate’er the gift may be;
All that we have is Thine alone,
A trust, O Lord, from Thee.May we Thy bounties thus
As stewards true receive,
And gladly, as Thou blessest us,
To Thee our firstfruits give.O hearts are bruised and dead,
And homes are bare and cold,
And lambs for whom the Shepherd bled
Are straying from the fold.To comfort and to bless,
To find a balm for woe,
To tend the lone and fatherless
Is angels’ work below.The captive to release,
To God the lost to bring,
To teach the way of life and peace—
It is a Christ-like thing.And we believe Thy Word,
Though dim our faith may be;
Whate’er for Thine we do, O Lord,
We do it unto Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Ch 29:18] The God Of Abraham Praise
The God of Abraham praise, who reigns enthroned above;
Ancient of everlasting days, and God of Love;
Jehovah, great I AM! by earth and Heav’n confessed;
I bow and bless the sacred Name forever blessed.The God of Abraham praise, at Whose supreme command
From earth I rise—and seek the joys at His right hand;
I all on earth forsake, its wisdom, fame, and power;
And Him my only Portion make, my Shield and Tower.The God of Abraham praise, whose all sufficient grace
Shall guide me all my happy days, in all my ways.
He calls a worm His friend, He calls Himself my God!
And He shall save me to the end, thro’ Jesus’ blood.He by Himself has sworn; I on His oath depend,
I shall, on eagle wings upborne, to Heav’n ascend.
I shall behold His face; I shall His power adore,
And sing the wonders of His grace forevermore.Tho’ nature’s strength decay, and earth and hell withstand,
To Canaan’s bounds I urge my way, at His command.
The wat’ry deep I pass, with Jesus in my view;
And thro’ the howling wilderness my way pursue.The goodly land I see, with peace and plenty bless’d;
A land of sacred liberty, and endless rest.
There milk and honey flow, and oil and wine abound,
And trees of life forever grow with mercy crowned.There dwells the Lord our King, the Lord our righteousness,
Triumphant o’er the world and sin, the Prince of peace;
On Sion’s sacred height His kingdom still maintains,
And glorious with His saints in light forever reigns.He keeps His own secure, He guards them by His side,
Arrays in garments, white and pure, His spotless bride:
With streams of sacred bliss, with groves of living joys—
With all the fruits of Paradise, He still supplies.Before the great Three-One they all exulting stand;
And tell the wonders He hath done, through all their land:
The list’ning spheres attend, and swell the growing fame;
And sing, in songs which never end, the wondrous Name.The God Who reigns on high the great archangels sing,
And “Holy, holy, holy!” cry, “Almighty King!
Who was, and is, the same, and evermore shall be:
Jehovah—Father—great I AM, we worship Thee!”Before the Savior’s face the ransomed nations bow;
O’erwhelmed at His almighty grace, forever new:
He shows His prints of love—they kindle to a flame!
And sound thro’ all the worlds above the slaughtered Lamb.The whole triumphant host give thanks to God on high;
“Hail, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,” they ever cry.
Hail, Abraham’s God, and mine! (I join the heav’nly lays,)
All might and majesty are Thine, and endless praise.source: Cyberhymnal