95:1 Come! Let’s sing for joy to the Lord!
Let’s shout out praises to our protector who delivers us! 2
95:2 Let’s enter his presence 3 with thanksgiving!
Let’s shout out to him in celebration! 4
95:3 For the Lord is a great God,
a great king who is superior to 5 all gods.
95:4 The depths of the earth are in his hand, 6
and the mountain peaks belong to him.
95:5 The sea is his, for he made it.
His hands formed the dry land.
95:6 Come! Let’s bow down and worship! 7
Let’s kneel before the Lord, our creator!
95:7 For he is our God;
we are the people of his pasture,
the sheep he owns. 8
Today, if only you would obey him! 9
1 sn Psalm 95. The psalmist summons Israel to praise God as the creator of the world and the nation’s protector, but he also reminds the people not to rebel against God.
2 tn Heb “to the rocky summit of our deliverance.”
3 tn Heb “meet his face.”
4 tn Heb “with songs of joy.”
5 tn Heb “above.”
6 tn The phrase “in his hand” means within the sphere of his authority.
7 tn Heb “kneel down.”
8 tn Heb “of his hand.”
9 tn Heb “if only you would listen to his voice.” The Hebrew particle אִם (’im, “if”) and following prefixed verbal form here express a wish (cf. Ps 81:8). Note that the apodosis (the “then” clause of the conditional sentence) is suppressed.