Psalms 19:5

19:5 Like a bridegroom it emerges from its chamber;

like a strong man it enjoys running its course.

Psalms 24:8

24:8 Who is this majestic king?

The Lord who is strong and mighty!

The Lord who is mighty in battle!

Psalms 55:8

55:8 I will hurry off to a place that is safe

from the strong wind and the gale.”

Psalms 132:17

132:17 There I will make David strong;

I have determined that my chosen king’s dynasty will continue.

tn The participle expresses the repeated or regular nature of the action.

tn The Hebrew noun חֻפָּה (khufah, “chamber”) occurs elsewhere only in Isa 4:5 and Joel 2:16 (where it refers to the bedroom of a bride and groom).

sn Like a bridegroom. The metaphor likens the sun to a bridegroom who rejoices on his wedding night.

tn The imperfect verbal form draws attention to the regularity of the action.

tn Heb “[on] a path.”

sn Like a strong man. The metaphorical language reflects the brilliance of the sunrise, which attests to the sun’s vigor.

sn Who is this majestic king? Perhaps the personified gates/doors ask this question, in response to the command given in v. 7.

tn Heb “[the] wind [that] sweeps away.” The verb סָעָה (saah, “sweep away”) occurs only here in the OT (see H. R. Cohen, Biblical Hapax Legomena [SBLDS], 120).

tn Heb “there I will cause a horn to sprout for David.” The horn of an ox underlies the metaphor (cf. Deut 33:17; 1 Kgs 22:11; Pss 18:2; 92:10). The horn of the wild ox is frequently a metaphor for military strength; the idiom “exalt the horn” signifies military victory (see 1 Sam 2:10; Pss 89:17, 24; 92:10; Lam 2:17). In the ancient Near East powerful warrior-kings would sometimes compare themselves to a goring bull that used its horns to kill its enemies. For examples, see P. Miller, “El the Warrior,” HTR 60 (1967): 422-25, and R. B. Chisholm, “An Exegetical and Theological Study of Psalm 18/2 Samuel 22” (Th.D. diss., Dallas Theological Seminary, 1983), 135-36.

tn Heb “I have arranged a lamp for my anointed one.” Here the “lamp” is a metaphor for the Davidic dynasty (see 1 Kgs 11:36).