Job 32:3

32:3 With Job’s three friends he was also angry, because they could not find an answer, and so declared Job guilty.

Job 42:3

42:3 you asked,

‘Who is this who darkens counsel

without knowledge?’

But I have declared without understanding

things too wonderful for me to know.

tn Heb “his”; the referent (Job) has been specified in the translation to indicate whose friends they were.

tn The perfect verb should be given the category of potential perfect here.

tc This is one of the eighteen “corrections of the scribes” (tiqqune sopherim); it originally read, “and they declared God [in the wrong].” The thought was that in abandoning the debate they had conceded Job’s point.

tn The expression “you asked” is added here to clarify the presence of the line to follow. Many commentators delete it as a gloss from Job 38:2. If it is retained, then Job has to be recalling God’s question before he answers it.

tn The word לָכֵן (lakhen) is simply “but,” as in Job 31:37.

tn Heb “and I do not understand.” The expression serves here in an adverbial capacity. It also could be subordinated as a complement: “I have declared [things that] I do not understand.”

tn The last clause is “and I do not know.” This is also subordinated to become a dependent clause.