Job 31:22

31:22 then let my arm fall from the shoulder,

let my arm be broken off at the socket.

Job 31:36

31:36 Surely I would wear it proudly on my shoulder,

I would bind it on me like a crown;

sn Here is the apodosis, the imprecation Job pronounces on himself if he has done any of these things just listed.

tn The point is that if he has raised his arm against the oppressed it should be ripped off at the joint. The MT has “let fall my shoulder [כְּתֵפִי, kÿtefi] from the nape of the neck [or shoulder blade (מִשִּׁכְמָה, mishikhmah)].”

tn The word קָנֶה (qaneh) is “reed; shaft; beam,” and here “shoulder joint.” All the commentaries try to explain how “reed” became “socket; joint.” This is the only place that it is used in such a sense. Whatever the exact explanation – and there seems to be no convincing view – the point of the verse is nonetheless clear.

tn The clause begins with the positive oath formula, אִם־לֹא (’im-lo’).

tn The word “proudly” is not in the Hebrew text, but is implied (note the following line).

tn This verb is only found in Prov 6:21. But E. Dhorme (Job, 470) suggests that (with metathesis) we have a derivative מַעֲדַנּוֹת (maadannot, “bonds; ties”) in 38:31.