Ezekiel 11:20

11:20 so that they may follow my statutes and observe my regulations and carry them out. Then they will be my people, and I will be their God.

Ezekiel 31:9

31:9 I made it beautiful with its many branches;

all the trees of Eden, in the garden of God, envied it.

Ezekiel 36:28

36:28 Then you will live in the land I gave to your fathers; you will be my people, and I will be your God.

Ezekiel 39:22

39:22 Then the house of Israel will know that I am the Lord their God, from that day forward.

sn The expression They will be my people, and I will be their God occurs as a promise to Abraham (Gen 17:8), Moses (Exod 6:7), and the nation (Exod 29:45).

sn This promise reflects the ancient covenantal ideal (see Exod 6:7).