Acts 3:17

3:17 And now, brothers, I know you acted in ignorance, as your rulers did too.

Acts 10:26

10:26 But Peter helped him up, saying, “Stand up. I too am a mere mortal.”

Acts 15:37

15:37 Barnabas wanted to bring John called Mark along with them too,

sn The ignorance Peter mentions here does not excuse them from culpability. It was simply a way to say “you did not realize the great mistake you made.”

tn BDAG 271 s.v. ἐγείρω 3 has “raise, help to rise….Stretched out Ac 10:26.”

tn Although it is certainly true that Peter was a “man,” here ἄνθρωπος (anqrwpo") has been translated as “mere mortal” because the emphasis in context is not on Peter’s maleness, but his humanity. Contrary to what Cornelius thought, Peter was not a god or an angelic being, but a mere mortal.