1 Kings 8:39

8:39 then listen from your heavenly dwelling place, forgive their sin, and act favorably toward each one based on your evaluation of his motives. (Indeed you are the only one who can correctly evaluate the motives of all people.)

1 Kings 8:43

8:43 Then listen from your heavenly dwelling place and answer all the prayers of the foreigners. Then all the nations of the earth will acknowledge your reputation, obey you like your people Israel do, and recognize that this temple I built belongs to you.

tn The words “their sin” are added for clarification.

tn Heb “and act and give to each one according to all his ways because you know his heart.” In the Hebrew text vv. 37-39a actually contain one lengthy conditional sentence, which the translation has divided up for stylistic reasons.

tn Heb “Indeed you know, you alone, the heart of all the sons of mankind.”

tn Heb “and do all which the foreigner calls to [i.e., “requests of”] you.”

tn Heb “your name.” See the note on the word “reputation” in v. 41.

tn Heb “fear.”

tn Heb “that your name is called over this house which I built.” The Hebrew idiom “to call the name over” indicates ownership. See 2 Sam 12:28.