1 Chronicles 1:33

1:33 The sons of Midian:

Ephah, Epher, Hanoch, Abida, and Eldaah. All these were the sons of Keturah.

1 Chronicles 2:25

Jerahmeel’s Descendants

2:25 The sons of Jerahmeel, Hezron’s firstborn, were Ram, the firstborn, Bunah, Oren, Ozem, and Ahijah.

1 Chronicles 2:50

2:50 These were the descendants of Caleb.

The sons of Hur, the firstborn of Ephrath:

Shobal, the father of Kiriath Jearim,

1 Chronicles 3:9

3:9 These were all the sons of David, not counting the sons of his concubines. Tamar was their sister.

1 Chronicles 4:23

4:23 They were the potters who lived in Netaim and Gederah; they lived there and worked for the king.

1 Chronicles 4:31

4:31 Beth Marcaboth, Hazar Susim, Beth Biri, and Shaaraim. These were their towns until the reign of David.

1 Chronicles 4:38

4:38 These who are named above were the leaders of their clans.

Their extended families increased greatly in numbers.

1 Chronicles 6:48

6:48 The rest of their fellow Levites were assigned to perform the remaining tasks at God’s sanctuary.

1 Chronicles 7:3

7:3 The son of Uzzi:


The sons of Izrahiah:

Michael, Obadiah, Joel, and Isshiah. All five were leaders.

1 Chronicles 7:17

7:17 The son of Ulam:


These were the sons of Gilead, son of Makir, son of Manasseh.

1 Chronicles 8:13

8:13 Beriah, and Shema. They were leaders of the families living in Aijalon and chased out the inhabitants of Gath.

1 Chronicles 9:2

9:2 The first to resettle on their property and in their cities were some Israelites, priests, Levites, and temple servants.

1 Chronicles 9:9

9:9 Their relatives, listed in their genealogical records, numbered 956. All these men were leaders of their families. 10 

1 Chronicles 9:23

9:23 They and their descendants were assigned to guard the gates of the Lord’s sanctuary (that is, the tabernacle). 11 

1 Chronicles 9:32

9:32 Some of the Kohathites, their relatives, were in charge of preparing the bread that is displayed each Sabbath.

1 Chronicles 9:34

9:34 These were the family leaders of the Levites, as listed in their genealogical records. They lived in Jerusalem.

1 Chronicles 9:44

9:44 Azel had six sons: Azrikam his firstborn, 12  followed by Ishmael, Sheariah, Obadiah, and Hanan. These were the sons of Azel.

1 Chronicles 11:24

11:24 Such were the exploits of Benaiah son of Jehoiada, who gained fame along with the three elite warriors.

1 Chronicles 12:21

12:21 They helped David fight against raiding bands, for all of them were warriors and leaders in the army.

1 Chronicles 12:34

12:34 From Naphtali there were 1,000 officers, along with 37,000 men carrying shields and spears.

1 Chronicles 13:7-8

13:7 They transported the ark on a new cart from the house of Abinadab; Uzzah and Ahio were guiding the cart, 13:8 while David and all Israel were energetically 13  celebrating before God, singing and playing various stringed instruments, 14  tambourines, cymbals, and trumpets.

1 Chronicles 15:20

15:20 Zechariah, Aziel, Shemiramoth, Jehiel, Unni, Eliab, Maaseiah, and Benaiah were to play the harps according to the alamoth style; 15 

1 Chronicles 16:6

16:6 and the priests Benaiah and Jahaziel were to blow trumpets regularly before the ark of God’s covenant.

1 Chronicles 16:38

16:38 including Obed-Edom and sixty-eight colleagues. Obed-Edom son of Jeduthun and Hosah were gatekeepers.

1 Chronicles 19:11

19:11 He put his brother Abishai in charge of the rest of the army and they were deployed against the Ammonites.

1 Chronicles 23:9-10

23:9 The sons of Shimei:

Shelomoth, Haziel, and Haran – three in all.

These were the leaders of the family of Ladan.

23:10 The sons of Shimei:

Jahath, Zina, 16  Jeush, and Beriah. These were Shimei’s sons – four in all. 17 

1 Chronicles 24:1

David Organizes the Priests

24:1 The divisions of Aaron’s descendants were as follows:

The sons of Aaron:

Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar.

1 Chronicles 26:7

26:7 The sons of Shemaiah:

Othni, Rephael, Obed, and Elzabad. His relatives 18  Elihu and Semakiah were also respected.

1 Chronicles 26:18

26:18 At the court on the west there were four posted on the road and two at the court.

1 Chronicles 26:20

Supervisors of the Storehouses

26:20 Their fellow Levites were in charge of the storehouses 19  in God’s temple and the storehouses containing consecrated items.

1 Chronicles 26:29

26:29 As for the Izharites: Kenaniah and his sons were given responsibilities outside the temple 20  as officers and judges over Israel.

tn Heb “son.” The Hebrew text has the singular, but the following list contains more than one name.

tn The Hebrew text reads “Ephrathah” here, but see v. 19, which mentions “Ephrath” as the wife of Hur.

sn See the note on the word “concubine” in 1:32.

tn Heb “and those who lived in Netaim and Gederah; with the king in his work they lived there.”

tn Heb “their brothers, the Levites.”

tn Heb “were assigned to all the work of the tabernacle of the house of God.”

tn The Hebrew text has the plural “sons,” but only one son is listed.

tn The Hebrew text has the plural “sons,” but only one son is listed.

tn Heb “and the inhabitants, the first who [were] in their property in their cities, Israel, the priests, the Levites, and the temple servants.”

10 tn Heb “and all these men were heads of fathers for the house of their fathers.”

11 tn Heb “and they and their sons to the gates of the house of the Lord, of the house of the tent, [were assigned] as guards.”

12 tc The Hebrew text has בֹּכְרוּ (bokhÿru), which some understand as a name: “Bocheru” (so, e.g., NEB, NASB, NIV, NRSV, NLT). But the form should probably be revocalized בְֹּכרוֹ (bÿkhoro, “his firstborn”). A name has accidentally dropped from the list, and a scribe apparently read בֹּכְרוּ as one of the names. Cf. also 1 Chr 8:38.

13 tn Heb “with all strength.”

14 tn Heb “with songs and with zithers [meaning uncertain] and with harps.” Due to the collocation with “harps,” some type of stringed instrument is probably in view.

15 tn The meaning of the Hebrew word עֲלָמוֹת (’alamot) is uncertain; perhaps it refers to a particular style of music. See HALOT 835-36 s.v. עַלְמָה.

16 tc The MT reads “Zina” here and “Zizah” in v. 11. One Hebrew ms, the LXX, and the Vulgate, harmonizing the form of the name to that found in v. 11, read “Zizah” here.

17 sn Verses 8-10 are confusing. Two different lists of Shimei’s sons appear. In between these lists is the statement “these were the leaders of the family of Ladan,” suggesting that the list just before this includes the sons of Ladan, not Shimei. But verse 8 already lists Ladan’s sons. Apparently the text as it stands is a conflation of differing traditions.

18 tn Or “brothers.”

19 tn Or “treasuries.”

20 tn The words “the temple” are supplied in the translation for clarification.