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vest pocket | vesta | vestal | vestal virgin | vestales | vested | vested interest | vested school | vestiarian | vestiary | vestibular





  •  Clothed; robed; wearing vestments.  Milton.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Not in a state of contingency or suspension; fixed; as, vested rights; vested interests.  [1913 Webster]
Vested legacy (Law), a legacy the right to which commences in præsenti, and does not depend on a contingency; as, a legacy to one to be paid when he attains to twenty-one years of age is a vested legacy, and if the legatee dies before the testator, his representative shall receive it. Blackstone. -- Vested remainder (Law), an estate settled, to remain to a determined person, after the particular estate is spent. Blackstone. Kent.



appareled, arrayed, attired, bedecked, breeched, capped, chausse, clad, cloaked, clothed, coifed, confirmed, costumed, decked, deep-dyed, deep-engraven, deep-fixed, deep-grounded, deep-laid, deep-rooted, deep-seated, deep-set, deep-settled, dight, disguised, dressed, dyed-in-the-wool, embedded, embossed, endued, engrafted, engraved, entrenched, established, etched, firmly established, garbed, garmented, gowned, graven, habilimented, habited, hooded, implanted, impressed, imprinted, indelibly impressed, infixed, ingrained, ingrown, invested, inveterate, inwrought, liveried, long-established, mantled, old-line, on a rock, on bedrock, pantalooned, raimented, rigged out, robed, rooted, set, settled, shod, shoed, stabilized, tired, togged, tricked out, trousered, vestmented, well-established, well-founded, well-grounded, well-set, well-settled




N stability, immutability, unchangeability unchangeableness, constancy, stable equilibrium, immobility, soundness, vitality, stabiliment, stiffness, ankylosis, solidity, aplomb, establishment, fixture, rock, pillar, tower, foundation, leopard's spots, Ethiopia's skin, permanence, obstinacy, unchangeable, immutable, unaltered, unalterable, not to be changed, constant, permanent, invariable, undeviating, stable, durable, perennial, fixed, steadfast, firm, fast, steady, balanced, confirmed, valid, fiducial, immovable, irremovable, riveted, rooted, settled, established, vested, incontrovertible, stereotyped, indeclinable, tethered, anchored, moored, at anchor, on a rock, rock solid, firm as a rock, firmly seated, firmly established, deep-rooted, ineradicable, inveterate, obstinate, transfixed, stuck fast, aground, high and dry, stranded, stuck, jammed, unremovable, quiescent, deterioration, indefeasible, irretrievable, intransmutable, incommutable, irresoluble, irrevocable, irreversible, reverseless, inextinguishable, irreducible, indissoluble, indissolvable, indestructible, undying, imperishable, incorruptible, indelible, indeciduous, insusceptible, insusceptible of change, Int, stet, littera scripta manet.


N legality, legitimacy, legitimateness, legislature, law, code, corpus juris, constitution, pandect, charter, enactment, statute, rule, canon, ordinance, institution, regulation, bylaw, byelaw, decree, ordonnance, standing order, plebiscite, legal process, form, formula, formality, rite, arm of the law, habeas corpus, fieri facias, jurisprudence, nomology, legislation, codification, equity, common law, lex, lex nonscripta, law of nations, droit des gens, international law, jus gentium, jus civile, civil law, canon law, crown law, criminal law, statute law, ecclesiastical law, administrative law, lex mercatoria, constitutionalism, constitutionality, justice, court, tribunal, judge, lawyer, attorney, legal counsel, legal, legitimate, according to law, vested, constitutional, chartered, legalized, lawful, statutable, statutory, legislatorial, legislative, regulatory, regulated, legally, in the eye of the law, de jure, ignorantia legis neminem excusat, ignorance of the law is no excuse, where law ends tyranny begins.

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