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vapida. [L. vapidus having lost its life and spirit, vapid; akin to vappa vapid wine, vapor vapor. See Vapor.].
     Having lost its life and spirit; dead; spiritless; insipid; flat; dull; unanimated; as, vapid beer; a vapid speech; a vapid state of the blood.  [1913 Webster]
    "A cheap, bloodless reformation, a guiltless liberty, appear flat and vapid to their taste."  [1913 Webster]


vapid, adj. insipid; lacking interest; flat, dull (vapid moralizing).

vapidity n. vapidly adv. vapidness n.
L vapidus



airy, arid, asinine, barren, betwixt and between, blah, bland, blank, bloodless, boring, catchpenny, changeable, characterless, cold, colorless, common, commonplace, dead, dilute, diluted, dismal, draggy, drearisome, dreary, driveling, dry, dryasdust, dull, dusty, effete, elephantine, empty, empty-headed, empty-minded, empty-pated, empty-skulled, etiolated, fade, fair, fair to middling, fairish, fatuous, flat, flavorless, flimsy, foolish, fribble, fribbling, frivolous, frothy, futile, gruelly, halfhearted, heavy, ho-hum, hollow, humdrum, idle, inane, indecisive, indifferent, inexcitable, infirm of purpose, infirm of will, innocuous, insipid, irresolute, jejune, lackluster, leaden, lifeless, light, low-spirited, matter-of-fact, mediocre, medium, middling, mild, milk-and-water, milky, moderate, modest, mundane, mushy, namby-pamby, neutral, nugacious, nugatory, of a kind, of a sort, of sorts, ordinary, otiose, pale, pallid, pappy, passable, pedestrian, plain, plodding, poetryless, pointless, poky, ponderous, prosaic, prosing, prosy, pulpy, rattlebrained, rattleheaded, respectable, sapless, savorless, scatterbrained, shallow, silly, slender, slight, slow, so-so, solemn, spiceless, spiritless, stale, sterile, stiff, stodgy, stuffy, superficial, tame, tasteless, tedious, thin, tiresome, tolerable, trifling, trite, trivial, unembellished, unflavored, unidealistic, unimaginative, unimpassioned, uninteresting, unlively, unpalatable, unpoetic, unromantic, unsavory, vacant, vacuous, vain, washy, watered, watered-down, watery, weak, wearisome, wearying, windy, wishy-washy, wooden




N feebleness, feeble, bald, tame, meager, jejune, vapid, bland, trashy, lukewarm, cold, frigid, poor, dull, dry, languid, colorless, enervated, proposing, prosy, prosaic, unvaried, monotonous, weak, washy, wishy- washy, sketchy, slight, careless, slovenly, loose, lax (negligent), slipshod, slipslop, inexact, puerile, childish, flatulent, rambling.


N dullness, heaviness, flatness, infestivity &c, stupidity want of originality, dearth of ideas, prose, matter of fact, heavy book, conte a dormir debout, platitude, dull, dull as ditch water, unentertaining, uninteresting, flat, dry as dust, unfunny, unlively, logy, unimaginative, insulse, dry as dust, prosy, prosing, prosaic, matter of fact, commonplace, pedestrian, pointless, weary stale flat and unprofitable, stupid, slow, flat, insipid, vapid, humdrum, monotonous, melancholic, stolid plodding, boring, tiresome, tedious, davus sum non Aedipus, deadly dull and boring, DDB.


N insipidity, blandness, tastelessness, bland, void of taste, insipid, tasteless, gustless, savorless, ingustible, mawkish, milk and water, weak, stale, flat, vapid, fade, wishy-washy, mild, untasted.

For further exploring for "vapid" in Webster Dictionary Online

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