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: T T- T. Ta Tb Tc Td Te Th Ti Tj Tk Tl Tm Tn To Tp Tr Ts Tt Tu Tv Tw Tx Ty Tz
tellural | tellurate | telluret | tellureted | tellurhydric | tellurian | telluric | telluride | tellurism | tellurite | tellurium


Adjective, Noun


telluriana. [L. tellus, -uris, the earth.].
     Of or pertaining to the earth.  De Quincey.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A dweller on the earth.  De Quincey.  [1913 Webster]
  •  An instrument for showing the operation of the causes which produce the succession of day and night, and the changes of the seasons.  [1913 Webster]


tellurian, adj. & n.
--adj. of or inhabiting the earth.
--n. an inhabitant of the earth.

L tellus -uris earth



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For further exploring for "tellurian" in Webster Dictionary Online

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