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roundhouse | rounding | rounding error | roundish | roundlet | roundly | roundness | roundridge | roundsman | roundtable | roundtop




  •  In a round form or manner.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Openly; boldly; peremptorily; plumply.  [1913 Webster]
    "He affirms everything roundly."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Briskly; with speed.  locke.  [1913 Webster]
    "Two of the outlaws walked roundly forward."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Completely; vigorously; in earnest.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Without regard to detail; in gross; comprehensively; generally; as, to give numbers roundly.  [1913 Webster]
    "In speaking roundly of this period."  [1913 Webster]


roundly, adv.
1 bluntly, in plain language, severely (was roundly criticized; told them roundly that he refused).
2 in a thoroughgoing manner (go roundly to work).
3 in a circular way (swells out roundly).



about, all but, all joking aside, almost, altogether, approximately, approximatively, as good as, bluffly, bluntly, broadly, brusquely, candidly, completely, comprehensively, directly, entirely, exhaustively, for practical purposes, frankly, fully, generally, generally speaking, genuinely, globally, hundred per cent, in all conscience, in all seriousness, in full, in full measure, in plain English, in plain words, in round numbers, inclusively, inside out, integrally, just about, largely, more or less, most, one and all, openheartedly, openly, outright, outspokenly, perfectly, plain-spokenly, plainly, practically, quite, roughly, roughly speaking, say, sincerely, straightforwardly, thoroughly, to the hilt, totally, tout a fait, unconditionally, unconstrainedly, unreservedly, unrestrainedly, utterly, well-nigh, wholly, with no nonsense

For further exploring for "roundly" in Webster Dictionary Online

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