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rosemaryn. [OE. rosmarine, L. rosmarinus; ros dew (cf. Russ. rosa, Lith. rasa, Skr. rasa juice) + marinus marine: cf. F. romarin. In English the word has been changed as if it meant the rose of Mary. See Marine.].
     A labiate shrub (Rosmarinus officinalis) with narrow grayish leaves, growing native in the southern part of France, Spain, and Italy, also in Asia Minor and in China. It has a fragrant smell, and a warm, pungent, bitterish taste. It is used in cookery, perfumery, etc., and is an emblem of fidelity or constancy.  [1913 Webster]
    "There's rosemary, that's for remembrance."  [1913 Webster]
Marsh rosemary. (a) A little shrub (Andromeda polifolia) growing in cold swamps and having leaves like those of the rosemary. (b) See under Marsh. -- Rosemary pine, the loblolly pine. See under Loblolly.


rosemary, n. an evergreen fragrant shrub, Rosmarinus officinalis, with leaves used as a culinary herb, in perfumery, etc., and taken as an emblem of remembrance.

ME, earlier rosmarine ult. f. L ros marinus f. ros dew + marinus MARINE, with assim. to ROSE(1) and Mary name of the Virgin




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For further exploring for "rosemary" in Webster Dictionary Online

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