Also see definition of "fourteen" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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fourpenny nail | fourrier | fourscore | foursome | foursquare | fourteen | fourteenth | fourteenth amendment | fourth | fourth class | fourth council of constantinople


Definite Article, Noun
22 in 20 verses (in OT : 16 in 16 verses) (in NT : 6 in 4 verses)


fourteena. [OE. fourtene, feowertene, AS. feówert, feówert. See Four, and Ten, and cf. Forty.].
     Four and ten more; twice seven.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The sum of ten and four; forteen units or objects.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A symbol representing fourteen, as 14 or xiv.  [1913 Webster]


fourteen, n. & adj.
1 one more than thirteen, or four more than ten; the product of two units and seven units.
2 a symbol for this (14, xiv, XIV).
3 a size etc. denoted by fourteen.
--adj. that amount to fourteen.

fourteenth adj. & n.
OE feowertiene (as FOUR, -TEEN)

Also see definition of "fourteen" in Bible Study Dictionaries
For further exploring for "fourteen" in Webster Dictionary Online

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