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fossilise | fossilised | fossilism | fossilist | fossilization | fossilize | fossilized | fossilology | fossores | fossoria | fossorial


Verb (usu participle)


fossilizev. t. [Cf. F. fossiliser.].
  •  To convert into a fossil; to petrify; as, to fossilize bones or wood.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To cause to become antiquated, rigid, or fixed, as by fossilization; to mummify; to deaden.  [1913 Webster]
    "Ten layers of birthdays on a woman's head
    Are apt to fossilize her girlish mirth.
    "  [1913 Webster]
fossilizev. i. 
  •  To become fossil.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To become antiquated, rigid, or fixed, beyond the influence of change or progress.  [1913 Webster]



age, anneal, antiquate, become extinct, become obsolete, calcify, callous, case harden, cornify, date, fade, firm, fust, grow old, harden, indurate, lapidify, lithify, lose currency, molder, obsolesce, ossify, outdate, perish, petrify, rust, steel, superannuate, temper, toughen, vitrify




VB turn to dust, mineralize, fossilize.

For further exploring for "fossilize" in Webster Dictionary Online

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