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formidability | formidable | formidableness | formidably | formidolose | forming | formless | formlessly | formol | formosa | formosan


3 in 3 verses (in OT : 2 in 2 verses) (in NT : 1 in 1 verses)


     The act or process of giving form or shape to anything; as, in shipbuilding, the exact shaping of partially shaped timbers.  [1913 Webster]




N component, component part, integral part, integrant part, element, constituent, ingredient, leaven, part and parcel, contents, appurtenance, feature, member, personnel, forming, inclusive.


N form, figure, shape, conformation, configuration, make, formation, frame, construction, cut, set, build, trim, cut of one's jib, stamp, type, cast, mold, fashion, contour, structure, plasmature, feature, lineament, turn, phase, posture, attitude, pose, morphism, isomorphism, forming, formation, figuration, efformation, sculpture, plasmation, formed, plastic, fictile, formative, fluid, plasmic, isomorphous, pleomorphic, protean, changeable.

For further exploring for "forming" in Webster Dictionary Online

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