Word Study
: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: F F. Fa Fb Fc Fd Fe Fh Fi Fj Fl Fm Fn Fo Fp Fr Fs Ft Fu Fw Fy
foreseeable | foreseeing | foreseen | foreseer | foreseize | foreshadow | foreshadowing | foreshank | foreshew | foreship | foreshock


Verb (transitive)


foreshadowv. t. 
     To shadow or typiDryden.  [1913 Webster]


foreshadow, v.tr. be a warning or indication of (a future event).



adumbrate, adumbration, augur, augury, auspicate, auspice, betoken, betokening, betokenment, bode, body forth, demonstrate, embody, exemplify, figure, forebode, foreshadowing, foreshow, foreshowing, foretoken, foretokening, have a hunch, have an intimation, hint, illustrate, image, impersonate, incarnate, indicant, indicate, indication, mirror, omen, personate, personify, portend, portent, predict, prefiguration, prefigure, preindication, premonitory shiver, premonitory sign, premonitory symptom, presage, presignifying, pretypify, prognostic, prognostication, project, promise, prophesy, realize, reflect, shadow, shadow forth, sign, signal, signify, soothsay, token, tokening, type




VB predict, prognosticate, prophesy, vaticinate, divine, foretell, soothsay, augurate, tell fortunes, cast a horoscope, cast a nativity, advise, forewarn, presage, augur, bode, abode, forebode, foretoken, betoken, prefigure, preshow, portend, foreshow, foreshadow, shadow forth, typify, pretypify, ominate, signify, point to, usher in, herald, premise, announce, lower, hold out expectation, raise expectation, excite expectation, excite hope, bid fair, promise, lead one to expect, be the precursor, extrapolate, project.

For further exploring for "foreshadow" in Webster Dictionary Online

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