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forecaster | forecasting | forecastle | forechosen | forecited | foreclose | foreclosure | foreconceive | forecourt | foredate | foredeck


Verb (usu participle), Verb (transitive)


foreclosev. t. [F. forclos, p. p. of forclore to exclude; OF. fors, F. hors, except, outside (fr. L. foris outside) + F. clore to close. See Foreign, and Close, v. t.].
     To shut up or out; to preclude; to stop; to prevent; to bar; to exclude.  [1913 Webster]
    "The embargo with Spain foreclosed this trade."  [1913 Webster]
To foreclose a mortgager (Law), to cut him off by a judgment of court from the power of redeeming the mortgaged premises, termed his equity of redemption. -- To foreclose a mortgage, (not technically correct, but often used to signify) the obtaining a judgment for the payment of an overdue mortgage, and the exposure of the mortgaged property to sale to meet the mortgage debt. Wharton.


foreclose, v.tr.
1 (also absol.; foll. by on) stop (a mortgage) from being redeemable or (a mortgager) from redeeming, esp. as a result of defaults in payment.
2 exclude, prevent.
3 shut out; bar.

foreclosure n.
ME f. OF forclos past part. of forclore f. for- out f. L foras + CLOSE(2)



anticipate, avert, bar, cut off, debar, deflect, deter, discourage, disendow, dishearten, disherison, disinherit, disown, dispossess, disseise, estop, evict, exclude, expropriate, fend, fend off, forbid, forestall, help, keep from, keep off, obviate, preclude, prevent, prohibit, repel, rule out, save, stave off, turn aside, ward off




VB hinder, impede, filibuster, impedite, embarrass, keep off, stave off, ward off, obviate, avert, antevert, turn aside, draw off, prevent, forefend, nip in the bud, retard, slacken, check, let, counteract, countercheck, preclude, debar, foreclose, estop, inhibit, shackle, restrict, obstruct, stop, stay, bar, bolt, lock, block, block up, choke off, belay, barricade, block the way, bar the way, stop the way, forelay, dam up, put on the brake, scotch the wheel, lock the wheel, put a spoke in the wheel, put a stop to, traverse, contravene, interrupt, intercept, oppose, hedge in, hedge round, cut off, inerclude, interpose, interfere, intermeddle, cramp, hamper, clog, clog the wheels, cumber, encumber, incumber, handicap, choke, saddle with, load with, overload, lay, lumber, trammel, tie one's hands, put to inconvenience, incommode, discommode, discompose, hustle, corner, drive into a corner, run foul of, fall foul of, cross the path of, break in upon, thwart, frustrate, disconcert, balk, foil, faze, feaze, feeze, baffle, snub, override, circumvent, defeat, spike guns, spoil, mar, clip the wings of, cripple, put an extinguisher on, damp, dishearten, discountenance, throw cold water on, spoil sport, lay a wet blanket, throw a wet blanket on, cut the ground from under one, take the wind out of one's sails, undermine, be in the way of, stand in the way of, act as a drag, hang like a millstone round one's neck.

For further exploring for "foreclose" in Webster Dictionary Online

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