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flabellation | flabelliform | flabellinerved | flabellum | flabile | flaccid | flaccid bladder | flaccid paralysis | flaccidity | flacherie | flack





flaccida. [L. flaccidus, fr. flaccus flabby: cf. OF. flaccide.].
     Yielding to pressure for want of firmness and stiffness; soft and weak; limber; lax; drooping; flabby; as, a flaccid muscle; flaccid flesh.  [1913 Webster]
    "Religious profession . . . has become flacced."


flaccid, adj.
1 a (of flesh etc.) hanging loose or wrinkled; limp, flabby. b (of plant tissue) soft; less rigid.
2 relaxed, drooping.
3 lacking vigour; feeble.

flaccidity n. flaccidly adv.
F flaccide or L flaccidus f. flaccus flabby



anemic, asthenic, bloodless, chicken, cowardly, debilitated, drooping, droopy, dull, effete, emasculated, etiolated, faint, faintish, feeble, flabby, flimsy, floppy, gone, gutless, imbecile, impotent, languid, languorous, lax, limber, limp, listless, loose, lustless, marrowless, nerveless, pithless, pooped, powerless, relaxed, rubbery, sapless, sapped, sinewless, slack, sleazy, soft, spineless, strengthless, unhardened, unnerved, unstrung, weak, weakened, weakly




N weakness, debility, atony, relaxation, languor, enervation, impotence, infirmity, effeminacy, feminality, fragility, flaccidity, inactivity, anaemia, bloodlessness, deficiency of blood, poverty of blood, declension of strength, loss of strength, failure of strength, delicacy, invalidation, decrepitude, asthenia, adynamy, cachexy, cachexia, sprain, strain, reed, thread, rope of sand, house of cards, softling, weakling, infant, youth, weak, feeble, debile, impotent, relaxed, unnerved sapless, strengthless, powerless, weakly, unstrung, flaccid, adynamic, asthenic, nervous, soft, effeminate, feminate, womanly, frail, fragile, shattery, flimsy, unsubstantial, insubstantial, gimcrack, gingerbread, rickety, creaky, creaking, cranky, craichy, drooping, tottering, broken, lame, withered, shattered, shaken, crazy, shaky, palsied, decrepit, languid, poor, infirm, faint, faintish, sickly, dull, slack, evanid, spent, short-winded, effete, weather-beaten, decayed, rotten, worn, seedy, languishing, wasted, washy, laid low, pulled down, the worse for wear, unstrengthened, unsupported, unaided, unassisted, aidless, defenseless, cantilevered (support), on its last legs, weak as a child, weak as a baby, weak as a chicken, weak as a cat, weak as a rat, weak as water, weak as water gruel, weak as gingerbread, weak as milk and water, colorless, non sum qualis eram.


N softness, pliableness, flexibility, pliancy, pliability, sequacity, malleability, ductility, tractility, extendibility, extensibility, plasticity, inelasticity, flaccidity, laxity, penetrability, clay, wax, butter, dough, pudding, alumina, argil, cushion, pillow, feather bed, down, padding, wadding, foam, mollification, softening, soft, tender, supple, pliant, pliable, flexible, flexile, lithe, lithesome, lissom, limber, plastic, ductile, tractile, tractable, malleable, extensile, sequacious, inelastic, aluminous, remollient, yielding, flabby, limp, flimsy, doughy, spongy, penetrable, foamy, cushiony, flaccid, flocculent, downy, edematous, oedematous, medullary, argillaceous, mellow, soft as butter, soft as down, soft as silk, yielding as wax, tender as chicken.

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