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fettling | fettuccine | fettuccine alfredo | fettuccini | fetuous | fetus | fetwah | feu | feuar | feud | feudal





fetusn. [L. fetus, foetus, a bringing forth, brood, offspring, young ones, cf. fetus fruitful, fructified, that is or was filled with young; akin to E. fawn a deer, fecundity, felicity, feminine, female, and prob. to do, or according to others, to be.].
     The young or embryo of a vertebrate animal in the womb, or in the egg; often restricted to the later stages in the development of viviparous and oviparous animals. showing the main recognizable features of the mature animal, embryo being applied to the earlier stages.  [1913 Webster]


fetus, US var. of FOETUS.

For further exploring for "fetus" in Webster Dictionary Online

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