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fenestra rotunda | fenestra vestibuli | fenestral | fenestrate | fenestrated | fenestration | fenestrule | feng shui | fengite | fengtien | fenian




  •  The arrangement and proportioning of windows; -- used by modern writers for the decorating of an architectural composition by means of the window (and door) openings, their ornaments, and proportions.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The state or condition of being fenestrated.  [1913 Webster]


fenestration, n.
1 Archit. the arrangement of windows in a building.
2 Bot. & Zool. being fenestrate.
3 a surgical operation in which a new opening is formed, esp. in the bony labyrinth of the inner ear, as a form of treatment in some cases of deafness.

For further exploring for "fenestration" in Webster Dictionary Online

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