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exuberantly | exuberate | exuccous | exudate | exudation | exude | exulcerate | exulceration | exulcerative | exulceratory | exult


Verb (usu participle), Verb (transitive)


exudev. t. [L. exudare, exsudare, exudatum, exsudatum, to sweat out; ex out + sudare to sweat: cf. F. exuder, exsuder. See Sweat.].
     To discharge through pores or incisions, as moisture or other liquid matter; to give out.  [1913 Webster]
    "Our forests exude turpentine in . . . abundance."  [1913 Webster]
exudev. i. 
     To flow from a body through the pores, or by a natural discharge, as juice.  [1913 Webster]


exude, v.
1 tr. & intr. (of a liquid, moisture, etc.) escape or cause to escape gradually; ooze out; give off.
2 tr. emit (a smell).
3 tr. display (an emotion etc.) freely or abundantly (exuded displeasure).

exudate n. exudation n. exudative adj.
L exsudare (as EX-(1), sudare sweat)



bleed, discharge, drip, effuse, egest, eliminate, emanate, emit, excrete, exfiltrate, extravasate, exudate, filter, filtrate, give off, leach, lixiviate, ooze, pass, percolate, perspire, reek, secrete, seep, sew, strain, sweat, swelter, transpire, transude, trickle, weep, wilt




VB emerge, emanate, issue, egress, go out of, come out of, move out of, pass out of, pour out of, flow out of, pass out of, evacuate, exude, transude, leak, run through, out through, percolate, transcolate, egurgitate, strain, distill, perspire, sweat, drain, ooze, filter, filtrate, dribble, gush, spout, flow out, well, well out, pour, trickle, effuse, extravasate, disembogue, discharge itself, debouch, come forth, break forth, burst out, burst through, find vent, escape.

For further exploring for "exude" in Webster Dictionary Online

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