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corporealism | corporealist | corporeality | corporeally | corporealness | corporeity | corporify | corposant | corps | corps de ballet | corps diplomatique




corporeityn. [LL. corporeitas: cf. F. corporit.].
     The state of having a body; the state of being corporeal; materiality.  [1913 Webster]
    "The one attributed corporeity to God."  [1913 Webster]
    "Those who deny light to be matter, do not therefore deny its corporeity."  [1913 Webster]


corporeity, n.
1 the quality of being or having a material body.
2 bodily substance.

F corpor{eacute}it{eacute} or med.L corporeitas f. L corporeus (as CORPOREAL)




N substantiality, hypostasis, person, being, thing, object, article, item, something, a being, an existence, creature, body, substance, flesh and blood, stuff, substratum, matter, corporeity, element, essential nature, groundwork, materiality, substantialness, vital part, world, plenum, substantive, substantial, hypostatic, personal, bodily, tangible, corporeal, substantially, bodily, essentially.


N materiality, materialness, corporeity, corporality, substantiality, substantialness, flesh and blood, plenum, physical condition, matter, body, substance, brute matter, stuff, element, principle, parenchyma, material, substratum, hyle, corpus, pabulum, frame, object, article, thing, something, still life, stocks and stones, materials, physics, somatology, somatics, natural philosophy, experimental philosophy, physicism, physical science, philosophie positive, materialism, materialist, physicist, somatism, somatist, material, bodily, corporeal, corporal, physical, somatic, somatoscopic, sensible, tangible, ponderable, palpable, substantial, objective, impersonal, nonsubjective, neuter, unspiritual, materialistic.

For further exploring for "corporeity" in Webster Dictionary Online

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