Word Study
: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: C C- C. C2 Ca Cb Cc Cd Ce Cf Cg Ch Ci Cj Cl Cm Cn Co Cp Cr Cs Ct Cu Cv Cw Cx Cy Cz
cooperativeness | cooperator | coopering | cooperstown | coopery | coordinate | coordinate axis | coordinate bond | coordinate clause | coordinate geometry | coordinate system



Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (transitive), Verb (intransitive), Adjective


coordinate, v., adj., & n. (also co-ordinate)
1 tr. bring (various parts, movements, etc.) into a proper or required relation to ensure harmony or effective operation etc.
2 intr. work or act together effectively.
3 tr. make coordinate.
1 equal in rank or importance.
2 in which the parts are coordinated; involving coordination.
3 Gram. (of parts of a compound sentence) equal in status (cf. SUBORDINATE).
4 Chem. denoting a type of covalent bond in which one atom provides both the shared electrons.
1 Math. each of a system of magnitudes used to fix the position of a point, line, or plane.
2 a person or thing equal in rank or importance.
3 (in pl.) matching items of clothing.

coordinately adv. coordination n. coordinative adj. coordinator n.
CO- + L ordinare ordinat- f. ordo -inis order



accommodate, accompanying, accord, accordant, adapt, adjust, adjust to, agreeing, all one, all the same, ally, alter ego, analogon, analogue, assimilate, associate, associated, at one with, attune, balance, balanced, brother, cancel, chart, close copy, close match, coacting, coactive, coadunate, codify, coequal, cognate, coincident, collaborative, collective, collusive, combined, combining, companion, compensate, complement, concerted, concomitant, concordant, concurrent, concurring, conform, congenator, congener, conjoint, consilient, conspiratorial, convertible, cooperant, cooperative, correlate, correlative, correspondent, corresponding, counterbalance, counterpart, counterpoise, countervail, coworking, cut to, double, duplicate, equal, equalize, equate, equilateral, equiparant, equipollent, equivalent, eurythmic, even, even up, fellow, finished, fit, fix, gear to, harmonious, harmonize, homologate, homologize, identical, image, integrate, joint, key to, kindred spirit, level, like, likeness, make plumb, make uniform, match, mate, measure, meeting, methodize, much the same, near duplicate, normalize, obverse, organize, parallel, parasitic, pendant, picture, plan, poise, proportion, proportionate, proportioned, put in tune, rationalize, reciprocal, reconcile, rectify, regular, regularize, regulate, right, routinize, saprophytic, second self, set, set right, settle, similarize, similitude, simulacrum, sister, soul mate, square, standardize, strike a balance, such, suchlike, symbiotic, symmetric, symmetrize, sync, synchronize, synchronous, synergetic, synergic, synergistic, systematize, tailor, tally, tantamount, the like of, the likes of, trim to, true, true up, tune, tune up, twin, uniform, united, uniting, vis-a-vis, well-balanced, well-set, well-set-up




N equality, parity, coextension, symmetry, balance, poise, evenness, monotony, level, equivalence, equipollence, equipoise, equilibrium, equiponderance, par, quits, a wash, not a pin to choose, distinction without a difference, six of one and half a dozen of the other, tweedle dee and tweedle dum, identity, similarity, equalization, equation, equilibration, co-ordination, adjustment, readjustment, drawn game, drawn battle, neck and neck race, tie, draw, standoff, dead heat, match, peer, compeer, equal, mate, fellow, brother, equivalent, equal, even, level, monotonous, coequal, symmetrical, coordinate, on a par with, on a level with, on a footing with, up to the mark, equiparant, equivalent, tantamount, indistinguishable, quits, homologous, synonymous, resolvable into, convertible, much at one, as broad as long, neither more nor less, much the same as, the same thing as, as good as, all one, all the same, equipollent, equiponderant, equiponderous, equibalanced, equalized, drawn, half and half, isochronal, isochronous isoperimetric, isoperimetrical, isobath, isobathic, equally, pari passu, ad eundum, caeteris paribus, in equilibrio, to all intents and purposes, it comes to the same thing, it amounts to the same thing, what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gande.


VB reduce to order, bring into order, introduce order into, rally, arrange, dispose, place, form, put in order, set in order, place in order, set out, collocate, pack, marshal, range, size, rank, group, parcel out, allot, distribute, deal, cast the parts, assign the parts, dispose of, assign places to, assort, sort, sift, riddle, put to rights, set to rights, put into shape, put in trim, put in array, apportion, class, classify, divide, file, string together, thread, register, catalogue, tabulate, index, graduate, digest, grade, methodize, regulate, systematize, coordinate, organize, settle, fix, unravel, disentangle, ravel, card, disembroil, feaze.

For further exploring for "coordinate" in Webster Dictionary Online

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