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Table of Contents
compendiousness | compendium | compensable | compensate | compensated | compensating | compensating balance | compensation | compensative | compensator | compensatory



Verb (usu participle)



adversative, adverse, adversive, amendatory, antagonistic, anti, antipathetic, antithetic, antonymous, at cross-purposes, balancing, clashing, compensative, compensatory, conflicting, confronting, contradictory, contradistinct, contrapositive, contrarious, contrary, contrasted, converse, counter, counteracting, counteractive, counterbalancing, counterpoised, countervailing, dead against, discordant, discrepant, expiatory, eyeball to eyeball, hostile, inconsistent, indemnificatory, inimical, inverse, lucrative, moneymaking, obverse, offsetting, opposed, opposing, opposite, oppositional, oppositive, oppugnant, paying, penitential, perverse, profitable, recompensive, rectifying, remunerative, reparative, repaying, repugnant, retaliatory, retributive, retributory, reverse, rewardful, rewarding, satisfying, squared off




N compensation, equation, commutation, indemnification, compromise, neutralization, nullification, counteraction, reaction, measure for measure, retaliation, equalization, robbing Peter to pay Paul, set-off, offset, make-weight, casting-weight, counterpoise, ballast, indemnity, equivalent, quid pro quo, bribe, hush money, amends, counterbalance, counterclaim, cross-debt, cross- demand, compensating, compensatory, countervailing, in the opposite scale, equivalent, in return, in consideration, but, however, yet, still, notwithstanding, nevertheless, nathless, none the less, although, though, albeit, howbeit, mauger, at all events, at any rate, be that as it may, for all that, even so, on the other, hand, at the same time, quoad minus, quand meme, however that may be, after all is said and done, taking one thing with another, light is mingled with the gloom, every dark cloud has a silver lining, primo avulso non deficit alter, saepe creat molles aspera spina rosas.

For further exploring for "compensating" in Webster Dictionary Online

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