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antinode | antinomasia | antinomian | antinomianism | antinomist | antinomy | antioch | antiochian | antiodontalgic | antiophthalmic factor | antiorgastic




antinomyn. [L. antinomia, Gr. ; against + law.].
  •  Opposition of one law or rule to another law or rule.  [1913 Webster]
    "Different commentators have deduced from it the very opposite doctrines. In some instances this apparent antinomy is doubtful."  [1913 Webster]
  •  An opposing law or rule of any kind.  [1913 Webster]
    "As it were by his own antinomy, or counterstatute."  [1913 Webster]
  •  A contradiction or incompatibility of thought or language; -- in the Kantian philosophy, such a contradiction as arises from the attempt to apply to the ideas of the reason, relations or attributes which are appropriate only to the facts or the concepts of experience.  [1913 Webster]


antinomy, n. (pl. -ies)
1 a contradiction between two beliefs or conclusions that are in themselves reasonable; a paradox.
2 a conflict between two laws or authorities.

L antinomia f. Gk (as ANTI-, nomos law)



ambiguity, ambivalence, asymmetry, disproportion, disproportionateness, equivocality, equivocation, heresy, heterodoxy, heterogeneity, incoherence, incommensurability, incompatibility, incongruity, inconsistency, inconsonance, irony, irreconcilability, nonconformability, nonconformity, oxymoron, paradox, self-contradiction, unconformability, unconformity, unorthodoxy




N illegality, lawlessness, illicitness, breach of law, violation of law, infraction of the law, disobedience, unconformity, arbitrariness, antinomy, violence, brute force, despotism, outlawry, mob law, lynch law, club law, Lydford law, martial law, drumhead law, coup d'etat, le droit du plus fort, argumentum baculinum, illegality, informality, unlawfulness, illegitimacy, bar sinister, trover and conversion, smuggling, poaching, simony, outlaw, bad man, v, offend against the law, violate the law, infringe the law, break the law, set the law at defiance, ride roughshod over, drive a coach and six through a statute, ignore the law, make the law a dead letter, take the law into one's own hands, smuggle, run, poach, illegal, unlawful, illegitimate, not allowed, prohibited, illicit, contraband, actionable, unwarranted, unwarrantable, unauthorized, informal, unofficial, injudicial, extrajudicial, lawless, arbitrary, despotic, despotical, corrupt, summary, irresponsible, unanswerable, unaccountable, expired, invalid, unchartered, unconstitutional, null and void, a dead letter, lawless, unregulated, illegally, with a high hand, in violation of law.

For further exploring for "antinomy" in Webster Dictionary Online

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