Word Study
agent, a. [L. agens, agentis, p. pr. of agere to act; akin to Gr. to lead, Icel. aka to drive, Skr. aj.
Acting; -- opposed to patient , or sustaining, action. Bacon. [1913 Webster]
agent, n.
- One who exerts power, or has the power to act; an actor. [1913 Webster]"Heaven made us agents, free to good or ill." [1913 Webster]
- One who acts for, or in the place of, another, by authority from him; one intrusted with the business of another; a substitute; a deputy; a factor. [1913 Webster]
- An active power or cause; that which has the power to produce an effect, such as a physical, chemical, or medicinal agent; as, heat is a powerful agent. [1913 Webster]
- a chemical substance having biological effects; a drug. [PJC]
agent, n.
1 a a person who acts for another in business, politics, etc. (estate agent; insurance agent). b a spy.
2 a a person or thing that exerts power or produces an effect. b the cause of a natural force or effect on matter (oxidizing agent). c such a force or effect.
1 a a person who acts for another in business, politics, etc. (estate agent; insurance agent). b a spy.
2 a a person or thing that exerts power or produces an effect. b the cause of a natural force or effect on matter (oxidizing agent). c such a force or effect.
agent-general a representative of an Australian State or Canadian province, usu. in London.
agential adj.
L agent- part. stem of agere do
Charlie McCarthy, Federal, acid, acidity, acolyte, activator, actor, adjutant, administrator, advocate, agency, aid, aide, aide-de-camp, aider, alkali, alkalinity, alloisomer, amanuensis, amicus curiae, ancilla, anion, antacid, appliance, appointee, architect, assignee, assistant, atom, attendant, attorney, attorney-at-law, author, auxiliary, baggage agent, barrister, barrister-at-law, base, begetter, beginner, best man, biochemical, broker, business agent, buyer, candidate, catalyst, cation, cause, causer, channel, chemical, chemical element, chromoisomer, claim agent, clerk, coadjutant, coadjutor, coadjutress, coadjutrix, commercial agent, commission agent, commissionaire, commissioner, compound, conductor, connection, consignee, contrivance, copolymer, counsel, counselor, counselor-at-law, creator, creature, customer agent, delegate, deputy, device, dimer, directeur, director, distributor, doer, driver, dummy, dupe, effector, element, emissary, energizer, engenderer, engineer, envoy, executant, executive, executive officer, executor, executrix, fabricator, factor, father, fed, federal agent, force, freight agent, friend at court, front, front man, functionary, general agent, generator, go-between, governor, handler, handmaid, handmaiden, heavy chemicals, help, helper, helpmate, helpmeet, high polymer, homopolymer, hydracid, implement, impresario, ingredient, inorganic chemical, inspirer, instigator, instrument, instrumentality, instrumentation, insurance agent, intendant, interagent, interceder, intercessor, intermediary, intermediate, intermediate agent, intermediator, intermedium, internuncio, intervener, interventionist, interventor, ion, isomer, jobber, land agent, law agent, lawyer, legal adviser, legal counselor, legal expert, legal practitioner, legalist, legate, lever, liaison, licensee, lieutenant, link, literary agent, loan agent, macromolecule, maker, manager, manipulator, means, mechanism, mediary, mediator, medium, metamer, middleman, midwife, minion, minister, ministry, molecule, monomer, mother, mouthpiece, mover, negotiant, negotiator, negotiatress, negotiatrix, neutralizer, news agent, nominee, nonacid, official, ombudsman, operant, operative, operator, organ, organic chemical, originator, oxyacid, paranymph, paraprofessional, parent, parliamentary agent, passenger agent, pawn, performer, perpetrator, pilot, plaything, pleader, polymer, power, practitioner, press agent, prime mover, primum mobile, proctor, procurator, producer, proxy, pseudoisomer, puppet, purchasing agent, radical, reagent, real estate agent, rector, representative, responsible person, runner, sales agent, sea lawyer, second, secretary, selectee, self-styled lawyer, servant, sideman, sire, slave, solicitor, special agent, spokesman, spokesperson, spokeswoman, spook, spy, station agent, steersman, steward, stooge, subject, substitute, sulfacid, supercargo, supporting actor, supporting instrumentalist, surrogate, theatrical agent, ticket agent, tie, tool, toy, travel agent, trimer, undercover man, vehicle, walking delegate, wholesaler, workerROGET THESAURUS
N doer, actor, agent, performer, perpetrator, operator, executor, executrix, practitioner, worker, stager, bee, ant, working bee, termite, white ant, laboring oar, servant of all work, factotum, workman, artisan, craftsman, handicraftsman, mechanic, operative, working man, laboring man, demiurgus, hewers of wood and drawers of water, laborer, navvy, hand, man, day laborer, journeyman, charwoman, hack, mere tool, beast of burden, drudge, fag, lumper, roustabout, maker, artificer, artist, wright, manufacturer, architect, builder, mason, bricklayer, smith, forger, Vulcan, carpenter, ganger, platelayer, blacksmith, locksmith, sailmaker, wheelwright, machinist, mechanician, engineer, sempstress, semstress, seamstress, needlewoman, workwoman, tailor, cordwainer, minister, servant, representative, coworker, party to, participator in, particeps criminis, dramatis personae, personnel, quorum pars magna fui, faber est quisque fortunae suae.Director
N director, manager, governor, rector, comptroller, superintendent, supervisor, straw boss, intendant, overseer, overlooker, supercargo, husband, inspector, visitor, ranger, surveyor, aedile, moderator, monitor, taskmaster, master, leader, ringleader, demagogue, corypheus, conductor, fugleman, precentor, bellwether, agitator, caporal, choregus, collector, file leader, flugelman, linkboy, guiding star, adviser, guide, pilot, helmsman, steersman, steermate, wire-puller, driver, whip, Jehu, charioteer, coachman, carman, cabman, postilion, vetturino, muleteer, arriero, teamster, whipper in, head, head man, head center, boss, principal, president, speaker, chair, chairman, chairwoman, chairperson, captain, superior, mayor, vice president, prime minister, premier, vizier, grand vizier, eparch, officer, functionary, minister, official, red-tapist, bureaucrat, man in office, Jack in office, office bearer, person in authority, statesman, strategist, legislator, lawgiver, politician, statist, statemonger, Minos, Draco, arbiter, boss, political dictator, board, secretary, secretary of state, Reis Effendi, vicar, steward, factor, agent, bailiff, middleman, foreman, clerk of works, landreeve, factotum, major-domo, seneschal, housekeeper, shepherd, croupier, proctor, procurator, ex officio.Servant
N servant, subject, liegeman, servant, retainer, follower, henchman, servitor, domestic, menial, help, lady help, employe, attache, official, retinue, suite, cortege, staff, court, attendant, squire, usher, page, donzel, footboy, train bearer, cup bearer, waiter, lapster, butler, livery servant, lackey, footman, flunky, flunkey, valet, valet de chambre, equerry, groom, jockey, hostler, ostler, tiger, orderly, messenger, cad, gillie, herdsman, swineherd, barkeeper, bartender, bell boy, boots, boy, counterjumper, khansamah, khansaman, khitmutgar, yardman, bailiff, castellan, seneschal, chamberlain, major-domo, groom of the chambers, secretary, under secretary, assistant secretary, clerk, subsidiary, agent, subaltern, underling, understrapper, man, maid, maidservant, handmaid, confidente, lady's maid, abigail, soubrette, amah, biddy, nurse, bonne, ayah, nursemaid, nursery maid, house maid, parlor maid, waiting maid, chamber maid, kitchen maid, scullery maid, femme de chambre, femme fille, camarista, chef de cuisine, cordon bleu, cook, scullion, Cinderella, potwalloper, maid of all work, servant of all work, laundress, bedmaker, journeyman, charwoman, bearer, chokra, gyp (Cambridge), hamal, scout (Oxford), serf, vassal, slave, negro, helot, bondsman, bondswoman, bondslave, ame damnee, odalisque, ryot, adscriptus gleboe, villian, villein, beadsman, bedesman, sizar, pensioner, pensionary, client, dependant, dependent, hanger on, satellite, parasite, led captain, protege, ward, hireling, mercenary, puppet, tool, creature, badge of slavery, bonds, in the train of, in one's pay, in one's employ, at one's call, in bonds.Commission
N commission, delegation, consignment, assignment, procuration, deputation, legation, mission, embassy, agency, agentship, power of attorney, clerkship, surrogacy, errand, charge, brevet, diploma, exequatur, permit, appointment, nomination, designation, return, charter, ordination, installation, inauguration, investiture, swearing-in, accession, coronation, enthronement, vicegerency, regency, regentship, viceroy, consignee, deputy, agent, delegate, consignee, commissioned, per procurationem.Consignee
N consignee, trustee, nominee, committee, agent, delegate, commissary, commissioner, emissary, envoy, commissionaire, messenger, diplomatist, diplomat, diplomate, corps diplomatique, embassy, ambassador, embassador, representative, resident, consul, legate, nuncio, internuncio, charge d'affaires, attache, vicegerent, plenipotentiary, functionary, placeman, curator, treasurer, factor, bailiff, clerk, secretary, attorney, advocate, solicitor, proctor, broker, underwriter, commission agent, auctioneer, one's man of business, factotum, caretaker, dalal, dubash, garnishee, gomashta, negotiator, go-between, middleman, under agent, employe, servant, referee, arbitrator, traveler, bagman, commis-voyageur, touter, commercial traveler, drummer, traveling man, newspaper correspondent, own correspondent, special correspondent.Cause
N cause, origin, source, principle, element, occasioner, prime mover, primum mobile, vera causa, author, mainspring, agent, leaven, groundwork, foundation, spring, fountain, well, font, fountainhead, spring head, wellhead, fons et origo, genesis, descent, remote cause, influence, pivot, hinge, turning point, lever, crux, fulcrum, key, proximate cause, causa causans, straw that breaks the camel's back, ground, reason, reason why, why and wherefore, rationale, occasion, derivation, final cause, les dessous des cartes, undercurrents, rudiment, egg, germ, embryo, bud, root, radix radical, etymon, nucleus, seed, stem, stock, stirps, trunk, tap-root, gemmule, radicle, semen, sperm, nest, cradle, nursery, womb, nidus, birthplace, hotbed, causality, causation, origination, production, caused, causal, original, primary, primitive, primordial, aboriginal, protogenal, radical, embryonic, embryotic, in embryo, in ovo, seminal, germinal, at the bottom of, connate, having a common origin, because, behind the scenes, causa latet vis est notissima, felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas.For further exploring for "agent" in Webster Dictionary Online
Search Type | Description | Example |
all | search for verses that contains all of the search words. | "fish bread" will search for verses that contains fish AND bread in minimum 1 bible version |
phrase | search for verses that contains all of the search phrase. | "fish bread" will search for verses that contains "fish bread" in minimum 1 bible version |
at least one | search for verses that contains any of the search words. | "fish bread" will search for verses that contains fish OR bread in minumum 1 bible version |
without | search for verses not contained of the search words. Without can not be used by it self, meaning that it has to be minimum one more condition included (all/at least one,etc) | all: "fish", without: "bread", will search for verses that contains "fish" but NOT "bread" |
start | search for verses that contains words that start with the search words | "fis" will search for verses that contains words start with "fis", the result will be "fish", "fishing", "fisherman", etc |
similar | search for verses that contains words that similar in spelling to the search words. | "fish" will search verses that contain words which has similar spelling with fish. The result: "dish",etc |
displaying | set the max displaying in one page. | "20" will set displaying max to 20 per page |
range | set searching range | "All Bible", "Old Testament", "New Testament" |
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