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Table of Contents
squamiform | squamigerous | squamipen | squamoid | squamosal | Squamose | squamous | squamous cell | squamous cell carcinoma | squamozygomatic | squamula




Squamosea. [L. squamosus, fr. squama a scale: cf. F. squameux.].
  •  Covered with, or consisting of, scales; resembling a scale; scaly; as, the squamose cones of the pine; squamous epithelial cells; the squamous portion of the temporal bone, which is so called from a fancied resemblance to a scale.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Of or pertaining to the squamosal bone; squamosal.  [1913 Webster]

For further exploring for "Squamose" in Webster Dictionary Online

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