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putrescence | putrescent | putrescible | putrescin | putrescine | Putrid | putrid-smelling | putridity | putridness | putrifacted | putrification




Putrida. [L. putridus, fr. putrere to be rotten, fr. puter, or putris, rotten, fr. putere to stink, to be rotten: cf. F. putride. See Pus, Foul, a.].
  •  Tending to decomposition or decay; decomposed; rotten; -- said of animal or vegetable matter; as, putrid flesh. See Putrefaction.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Indicating or proceeding from a decayed state of animal or vegetable matter; as, a putrid smell.  [1913 Webster]
Putrid fever (Med.), typhus fever; -- so called from the decomposing and offensive state of the discharges and diseased textures of the body. -- Putrid sore throat (Med.), a gangrenous inflammation of the fauces and pharynx.


Putrid, adj.
1 decomposed, rotten.
2 foul, noxious.
3 corrupt.
4 sl. of poor quality; contemptible; very unpleasant.

putridity n. putridly adv. putridness n.
L putridus f. putrere to rot f. puter putris rotten



bad, bad-smelling, barfy, bum, cankered, carious, cheesy, corrupt, crappy, creepy, crummy, decayed, decaying, decomposed, decomposing, degenerate, depraved, dirty, disgusting, fecal, feculent, festering, fetid, filthy, flagitious, flyblown, foul, frowsty, frowy, frowzy, fulsome, funky, fusty, gamy, gangrened, gangrenous, gloppy, godawful, gone bad, goshawful, graveolent, grim, gunky, hairy, high, icky, ill-smelling, maggoty, malodorous, mephitic, miasmal, miasmic, mildewed, mildewy, moldy, mortified, mouldy, mucky, musty, nasty, nauseating, necrosed, necrotic, nefarious, nidorous, noisome, noxious, odious, odorous, offensive, olid, ordurous, peccant, perverse, puky, punk, putrefied, putrescent, rancid, rank, reasty, reasy, reechy, reeking, reeky, repulsive, rotten, rotting, scabby, scummy, scurfy, shitty, slabby, slimy, sloppy, sloshy, sludgy, slushy, smellful, smelling, smelly, sphacelated, spoiled, spoilt, sposhy, stenchy, stinking, stinky, strong, stuffy, sulfurous, suppurating, suppurative, tainted, ulcerated, unhealthy, vicious, vile, villainous, vomity, wormy, yecchy




N uncleanness, impurity, immundity, immundicity, impurity, defilement, contamination, defoedation, soilure, soiliness, abomination, leaven, taint, tainture, fetor, decay, putrescence, putrefaction, corruption, mold, must, mildew, dry rot, mucor, rubigo, slovenry, slovenliness, squalor, dowdy, drab, slut, malkin, slattern, sloven, slammerkin, slammock, slummock, scrub, draggle-tail, mudlark, dust-man, sweep, beast, dirt, filth, soil, slop, dust, cobweb, flue, smoke, soot, smudge, smut, grit, grime, raff, sossle, sozzle, sordes, dregs, grounds, lees, argol, sediment, settlement heeltap, dross, drossiness, mother, precipitate, scoriae, ashes, cinders, recrement, slag, scum, froth, hogwash, ditchwater, dishwater, bilgewater, rinsings, cheeseparings, sweepings, offscourings, outscourings, off scum, caput mortuum, residuum, sprue, fecula, clinker, draff, scurf, scurfiness, exuviae, morphea, fur, furfur, dandruff, tartar, riffraff, vermin, louse, flea, bug, chinch, mud, mire, quagmire, alluvium, silt, sludge, slime, slush, slosh, sposh, spawn, offal, gurry, lientery, garbage, carrion, excreta, slough, peccant humor, pus, matter, suppuration, lienteria, faeces, feces, excrement, ordure, dung, crap, shit, sewage, sewerage, muck, coprolite, guano, manure, compost, dunghill, colluvies, mixen, midden, bog, laystall, sink, privy, jakes, toilet, john, head, cess, cesspool, sump, sough, cloaca, latrines, drain, sewer, common sewer, Cloacina, dust hole, sty, pigsty, lair, den, Augean stable, sink of corruption, slum, rookery, dirty, filthy, grimy, unclean, impure, soiled, not to be handled with kid gloves, dusty, snuffy, smutty, sooty, smoky, thick, turbid, dreggy, slimy, mussy, slovenly, untidy, messy, uncleanly, unkempt, sluttish, dowdy, draggle-tailed, uncombed, unscoured, unswept, unwiped, unwashed, unstrained, unpurified, squalid, lutose, slammocky, slummocky, sozzly, nasty, coarse, foul, offensive, abominable, beastly, reeky, reechy, fetid, decayed, moldy, musty, mildewed, rusty, moth-eaten, mucid, rancid, weak, bad, gone bad, etercoral, lentiginous, touched, fusty, effete, reasty, rotten, corrupt, tainted, high, flyblown, maggoty, putrid, putrefactive, putrescent, putrefied, saprogenic, saprogenous, purulent, carious, peccant, fecal, feculent, stercoraceous, excrementitious, scurfy, scurvy, impetiginous, gory, bloody, rotting, rotten as a pear, rotten as cheese, crapulous, gross, fimetarious, fimicolous, they that touch pitch will be defiled.


N odor, smell, odorament, scent, effluvium, emanation, exhalation, fume, essence, trail, nidor, redolence, sense of smell, scent, act of smelling, olfaction, olfactories, fragrance, odorant, bloodhound, hound, spoor, odorous, odoriferous, smelling, reeking, foul-smelling, strong- scented, redolent, graveolent, nidorous, pungent, putrid, foul, olfactory, quick-scented.


N fetor, bad, smell, bad odor, stench, stink, foul odor, malodor, empyreuma, mustiness, rancidity, foulness, stoat, polecat, skunk, assafoetida, fungus, garlic, stinkpot, fitchet, fitchew, fourmart, peccary, acridity, fetid, strong-smelling, high, bad, strong, fulsome, offensive, noisome, rank, rancid, reasty, tainted, musty, fusty, frouzy, olid, olidous, nidorous, smelling, stinking, putrid, suffocating, mephitic, empyreumatic.

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