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ogeechee lime | ogganition | ogham | ogive | oglala | Ogle | ogler | oglio | ogre | ogreish | ogreism


Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (transitive)


Oglev. t. [From a Dutch word corresponding to G. äugeln to ogle, fr. auge eye; cf. D. ooglonken to ogle, OD. oogen to cast sheep's eyes upon, ooge eye. See Eye.].
  •  To view or look at with side glances, as in fondness, or with a design to attract notice.  [1913 Webster]
    "And ogling all their audience, ere they speak."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To stare at conspicuously or impertinently.  [PJC]
     An amorous side glance or look.  Byron.  [1913 Webster]


Ogle, v. & n.
1 tr. eye amorously or lecherously.
2 intr. look amorously.
--n. an amorous or lecherous look.

ogler n.
prob. LG or Du.: cf. LG oegeln, frequent. of oegen look at



amorous looks, attend, bedroom eyes, cast coquettish glances, come-hither look, contemplate, coquet, coquetry, coquettish glances, coquettishness, coyness, crane, crane the neck, dalliance, evil eye, examine, eye, flirt, flirtation, flirtatiousness, gallivant, gape, gaup, gawk, gaze, gaze open-mouthed, give the eye, give the once-over, glad eye, glare, gloat, glower, glowering look, goggle, gold-dig, goo-goo eyes, hard look, inspect, lamp, leer, leer at, look, look at, look on, look over, look sweet upon, make eyes at, malocchio, ocular, oculus, ogle at, orb, peeper, penetrating look, peruse, philander, play around, pore, pore over, rubberneck, run around, scrutinize, size up, stand on tiptoe, stare, stare at, stare down, stare hard, survey, take a long, take in, take stock of, vet, watch, whammy, winker




VB desire, wish, wish for, be desirous, have a longing, hope, care for, affect, like, list, take to, cling to, take a fancy to, fancy, prefer, have an eye, have a mind to, find it in one's heart, have a fancy for, set one's eyes upon, cast a sheep's eye upon, look sweet upon, take into one's head, have at heart, be bent upon, set one's cap at, set one's heart upon, set one's mind upon, covet, want, miss, need, feel the want of, would fain have, would fain do, would be glad of, be hungry, have a good appetite, play a good knife and fork, hunger after, thirst after, crave after, lust after, itch after, hanker after, run mad after, raven for, die for, burn to, desiderate, sigh for, cry for, gape for, gasp for, pine for, pant for, languish for, yearn for, long, be on thorns for, hope for, aspire after, catch at, grasp at, jump at, woo, court, solicit, fish for, spell for, whistle for, put up for, ogle, cause desire, create desire, raise desire, excite desire, provoke desire, whet the appetite, appetize, titillate, allure, attract, take one's fancy, tempt, hold out temptation, hold out allurement, tantalize, make one's mouth water, faire venir l'eau a la bouche, gratify desire.


VB be rude, insult, treat with discourtesy, take a name in vain, make bold with, make free with, take a liberty, stare out of countenance, ogle, point at, put to the blush, cut, turn one's back upon, turn on one's heel, give the cold shoulder, keep at a distance, keep at arm's length, look cool upon, look coldly upon, look black upon, show the door to, send away with a flea in the ear, lose one's temper, sulk, frown, scowl, glower, pout, snap, snarl, growl, render rude, brutalize, brutify.


VB caress, fondle, pet, dandle, pat, pat on the head, pat on the cheek, chuck under the chin, smile upon, coax, wheedle, cosset, coddle, cocker, cockle, make of, make much of, cherish, foster, kill with kindness, clasp, hug, cuddle, fold in one's arms, strain in one's arms, nestle, nuzzle, embrace, kiss, buss, smack, blow a kiss, salute, fold to the heart, press to the bosom, bill and coo, spoon, toy, dally, flirt, coquet, gallivant, galavant, philander, make love, pay one's court to, pay one's addresses to, pay one's attentions to, serenade, court, woo, set one's cap at, be sweet upon, look sweet upon, ogle, cast sheep's eyes upon, faire les yeux doux, fall in love with, win the affections, die for, propose, make an offer, have an offer, pop the question, plight one's troth, plight one's faith.


VB see, behold, discern, perceive, have in sight, descry, sight, make out, discover, distinguish, recognize, spy, espy, ken, get a sight of, have a sight of, catch a sight of, get a glimpse of, have a glimpse of, catch a glimpse of, command a view of, witness, contemplate, speculate, cast the eyes on, set the eyes on, be a spectator of, look on, see sights, see at a glance, look, view, eye, lift up the eyes, open one's eye, look at, look on, look upon, look over, look about one, look round, survey, scan, inspect, run the eye over, run the eye through, reconnoiter, glance round, glance on, glance over turn one's looks upon, bend one's looks upon, direct the eyes to, turn the eyes on, cast a glance, observe, watch, see with one's own eyes, watch for, peep, peer, pry, take a peep, play at bopeep, look full in the face, look hard at, look intently, strain one's eyes, fix the eyes upon, rivet the eyes upon, stare, gaze, pore over, gloat on, leer, ogle, glare, goggle, cock the eye, squint, gloat, look askance.

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