Word Study
Indican, n. [See Indigo.].
- A glucoside (
C14H17NO6 ) obtained from woad (indigo plant,Isatis Tinctoria ) and other plants (see indigo), as a yellow or light brown sirup. When purified it is obtained as spear-shaped crystals. It has a nauseous bitter taste. By the action of acids, enzymes, etc., it breaks down into sugar and indigo. It is the source ofnatural indigo . Chemically it is the 3-glucoside of indole,H-indol-3-yl- . [1913 Webster] - An indigo-forming substance, found in urine, and other animal fluids, and convertible into red and blue indigo (urrhodin and uroglaucin). Chemically, it is indoxyl sulphate of potash,
C8H6NSO4K , and is derived from the indol formed in the alimentary canal. Called alsouroxanthin . [1913 Webster]
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