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homologon | homologoumena | homologous | homolographic | homologue | Homology | homolosine projection | homomallous | homomorphic | homomorphism | homomorphous




Homologyn. [Gr. agreement. See Homologous.].
  •  The quality of being homologous; correspondence; relation; as, the homologyof similar polygons.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Correspondence or relation in type of structure in contradistinction to similarity of function; as, the relation in structure between the leg and arm of a man; or that between the arm of a man, the fore leg of a horse, the wing of a bird, and the fin of a fish, all these organs being modifications of one type of structure.  [1913 Webster]
    " Homology indicates genetic relationship, and according to Haeckel special homology should be defined in terms of identity of embryonic origin. See Homotypy, and Homogeny."  [1913 Webster]
  •  The correspondence or resemblance of substances belonging to the same type or series; a similarity of composition varying by a small, regular difference, and usually attended by a regular variation in physical properties; as, there is an homology between methane, CH4, ethane, C2H6, propane, C3H8, etc., all members of the paraffin series. In an extended sense, the term is applied to the relation between chemical elements of the same group; as, chlorine, bromine, and iodine are said to be in homology with each other. Cf. Heterology.  [1913 Webster]
General homology (Biol.), the higher relation which a series of parts, or a single part, bears to the fundamental or general type on which the group is constituted. Owen. -- Serial homology (Biol.), representative or repetitive relation in the segments of the same organism, -- as in the lobster, where the parts follow each other in a straight line or series. Owen. See Homotypy. -- Special homology (Biol.), the correspondence of a part or organ with those of a different animal, as determined by relative position and connection. Owen.


Homology, n. a homologous state or relation; correspondence.

homological adj.



accord, addition, adjunct, affairs, affiliation, affinity, alliance, approximation, assemblage, association, bond, closeness, combination, connectedness, connection, contiguity, contrariety, dealings, deduction, disjunction, filiation, intercourse, intimacy, junction, liaison, link, linkage, linking, mutual attraction, nearness, propinquity, proximity, rapport, relatedness, relation, relations, relationship, similarity, sympathy, tie, tie-in, union




N relation, bearing, reference, connection, concern, cognation, correlation, analogy, similarity, affinity, homology, alliance, homogeneity, association, approximation, filiation, interest, relevancy, dependency, relationship, relative position, comparison, ratio, proportion, link, tie, bond of union, relative, correlative, cognate, relating to, relative to, in relation with, referable or referrible to, belonging to, appurtenant to, in common with, related, connected, implicated, associated, affiliated, allied to, en rapport, in touch with, approximative, approximating, proportional, proportionate, proportionable, allusive, comparable, in the same category, like, relevant, applicable, equiparant, relatively, pertinently, thereof, as to, as for, as respects, as regards, about, concerning, anent, relating to, as relates to, with relation, with reference to, with respect to, with regard to, in respect of, while speaking of, a propos of, in connection with, by the way, by the by, whereas, for as much as, in as much as, in point of, as far as, on the part of, on the score of, quoad hoc, pro re nata, under the head of, of, in the matter of, in re, thereby hangs a tale.


N uniformity, homogeneity, homogeneousness, consistency, connaturality, connaturalness, homology, accordance, conformity, agreement, consonance, uniformness, regularity, constancy, even tenor, routine, monotony, uniform, homogeneous, homologous, of a piece, consistent, connatural, monotonous, even, invariable, regular, unchanged, undeviating, unvaried, unvarying, unsegmented, uniformly, uniformly with, in harmony with, always, invariably, without exception, without fail, unfailingly, never otherwise, by clockwork, ab uno disce omnes.

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