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breede | breeder | breeder reactor | breeding | breeding ground | Breeze | breeze block | breeze fly | breeze in | breeze through | breezeless



Noun, Verb (intransitive)


Breezen. [OE. brese, AS. briósa; perh. akin to OHG. brimissa, G. breme, bremse, D. brems, which are akin to G. brummen to growl, buzz, grumble, L. fremere to murmur; cf. G. brausen, Sw. brusa, Dan. bruse, to roar, rush.].
     A fly of various species, of the family Tabanidæ, noted for buzzing about animals, and tormenting them by sucking their blood; -- called also horsefly, and gadfly. They are among the largest of two-winged or dipterous insects. The name is also given to different species of botflies.  [1913 Webster]
Breezen. [F. brise; akin to It. brezza breeze, Sp. briza, brisa, a breeze from northeast, Pg. briza northeast wind; of uncertain origin; cf. F. bise, Pr. bisa, OHG. bisa, north wind, Arm. biz northeast wind.].
  •  A light, gentle wind; a fresh, soft-blowing wind.  [1913 Webster]
    "Into a gradual calm the breezes sink."  [1913 Webster]
  •  An excited or ruffed state of feeling; a flurry of excitement; a disturbance; a quarrel; as, the discovery produced a breeze.  [1913 Webster]
Land breeze, a wind blowing from the land, generally at night. -- Sea breeze, a breeze or wind blowing, generally in the daytime, from the sea.
Breezen. [F. braise cinders, live coals. See Brasier.].
  •  Refuse left in the process of making coke or burning charcoal.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Refuse coal, coal ashes, and cinders, used in the burning of bricks.  [1913 Webster]
Breezev. i. 
     To blow gently.  J. Barlow.  [1913 Webster]
To breeze up (Naut.), to blow with increasing freshness.


Breeze, n. & v.
1 a gentle wind.
2 Meteorol. a wind of 4-31 m.p.h. and between force 2 and force 6 on the Beaufort scale.
3 a wind blowing from land at night or sea during the day.
4 esp. Brit. colloq. a quarrel or display of temper.
5 esp. US colloq. an easy task.
--v.intr. (foll. by in, out, along, etc.) colloq. come or go in a casual or lighthearted manner.

Breeze, n. small cinders.

breeze-block any lightweight building block, esp. one made from breeze mixed with sand and cement.
Breeze, n. a gadfly or cleg.

OE briosa, of unkn. orig.



air, ball the jack, barrel, blast, blow, blow a hurricane, blow great guns, blow over, blow up, blubber, bluster, boom, bowl along, breath, breeze along, breeze up, brew, brush, butter, carry by storm, cinch, clay, clip, come up, cooling breeze, cushion, cut along, dough, down, draught, easy target, easy thing, eiderdown, feather bed, feathers, fleece, fleet, flit, floss, flue, fluff, fly, fly low, foam, foot, freshen, gale, gather, gentle wind, go fast, gust, highball, huff, kapok, lead-pipe cinch, light air, light breeze, light wind, make knots, moderate breeze, nip, nothing, ocean breeze, onshore breeze, outstrip the wind, picnic, pie, piece of cake, pillow, pipe, pipe up, plush, pour it on, pudding, puff, pushover, putty, rage, rip, romp home, rubber, satin, scorch, sea breeze, set in, setup, silk, sinecure, sitting duck, sizzle, skim, slide, slip, snap, softblowing wind, speed, squall, storm, storm along, swansdown, sweep, take by storm, tear, tear along, thistledown, thunder along, velvet, waft, walk off with, walk over, waltz, waltz off with, wax, whiff, whiffle, whisk, whiz, win going away, win hands down, wind, wool, zephyr, zing, zip, zoom




N discord, disagreement, discord, disaccord, dissidence, dissonance, jar, clash, shock, jarring, jostling, screw loose, variance, difference, dissension, misunderstanding, cross purposes, odds, brouillerie, division, split, rupture, disruption, division in the camp, house divided against itself, disunion, breach, schism, feud, faction, quarrel, dispute, tiff, tracasserie, squabble, altercation, barney, demel_e, snarl, spat, towrow, words, high words, wrangling, jangle, brabble, cross questions and crooked answers, snip-snap, family jars, polemics, litigation, strife, warfare, outbreak, open rupture, declaration of war, broil, brawl, row, racket, hubbub, rixation, embroilment, embranglement, imbroglio, fracas, breach of the peace, piece of work, scrimmage, rumpus, breeze, squall, riot, disturbance, commotion, bear garden, Donnybrook, Donnybrook Fair, subject of dispute, ground of quarrel, battle ground, disputed point, bone of contention, bone to pick, apple of discord, casus belli, question at issue, vexed question, vexata quaestio, brand of discord, troublous times, cat-and-dog life, contentiousness, enmity, hate, Kilkenny cats, disputant, strange bedfellows, discordant, disagreeing, out of tune, ajar, on bad terms, dissentient, unreconciled, unpacified, contentious, quarrelsome, unpacific, gladiatorial, controversial, polemic, disputatious, factious, litigious, litigant, pettifogging, at odds, at loggerheads, at daggers drawn, at variance, at issue, at cross purposes, at sixes and sevens, at feud, at high words, up in arms, together by the ears, in hot water, embroiled, torn, disunited, quot homines tot sententiae, no love lost between them, non nostrum tantas componere lites, Mars gravior sub pace latet, discord, discordance, dissonance, cacophony, want of harmony, caterwauling, harshness, Babel, Dutch concert, cat's concert, marrowbones and cleavers, discordant, dissonant, absonant, out of tune, tuneless, unmusical, untunable, unmelodious, immelodious, unharmonious, inharmonious, singsong, cacophonous, harsh, jarring.


N wind, draught, flatus, afflatus, efflation, eluvium, air, breath, breath of air, puff, whiff, zephyr, blow, breeze, drift, aura, stream, current, jet stream, undercurrent, gust, blast, squall, gale, half a gale, storm, tempest, hurricane, whirlwind, tornado, samiel, cyclone, anticyclone, typhoon, simoon, simoom, harmattan, monsoon, trade wind, sirocco, mistral, bise, tramontane, levanter, capful of wind, fresh breeze, stiff breeze, keen blast, blizzard, barber, candelia, chinook, foehn, khamsin, norther, vendaval, wuther, windiness, ventosity, rough weather, dirty weather, ugly weather, stress of weather, dirty sky, mare's tail, thick squall, black squall, white squall, anemography, aerodynamics, wind gauge, weathercock, vane, weather- vane, wind sock, anemometer, anemoscope, sufflation, insufflation, perflation, inflation, afflation, blowing, fanning, ventilation, sneezing, errhine, sternutative, sternutatory, sternutation, hiccup, hiccough, catching of the breath, Eolus, Boreas, Zephyr, cave of Eolus, air pump, air blower, lungs, bellows, blowpipe, fan, ventilator, punkah, branchiae, gills, flabellum, vertilabrum, whiffle ball, blowing, windy, flatulent, breezy, gusty, squally, stormy, tempestuous, blustering, boisterous, pulmonic, pulmonary, lull'd by soft zephyrs, the storm is up and all is on the hazard, the winds were wither'd in the stagnant air, while mocking winds are piping loud, winged with red lightning and tempestuous rage.

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