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astride | astriferous | astringe | astringence | astringency | Astringent | astringent drug | astringently | astringer | astro- | astrobiology



Adjective, Noun


Astringenta. [L. astringens, p. pr. of astringere: cf. F. astringent. See Astringe.].
  •  Drawing together the tissues; binding; contracting; -- opposed to laxative; as, astringent medicines; a butter and astringent taste; astringent fruit.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Stern; austere; as, an astringent type of virtue.  [1913 Webster]
     A medicine or other substance that produces contraction in the soft organic textures, and checks discharges of blood, mucus, etc.  [1913 Webster]
    "External astringents are called styptics."  [1913 Webster]


Astringent, adj. & n.
1 causing the contraction of body tissues.
2 checking bleeding.
3 severe, austere.
--n. an astringent substance or drug.

astringency n. astringently adv.
F f. L astringere (as AD-, stringere bind)



Spartan, Spartanic, acerb, acerbic, acid, acidulous, acrid, acrimonious, alum, amaroidal, ascetic, asperous, austere, authoritarian, biting, bitter, bitter as gall, brisk, caustic, clamp, coarse, collapsible, compactable, compressible, compressor, constrictor, constringent, consumptive, contractible, contractile, contractional, contractive, contractor, cutting, deflationary, demanding, double-edged, dour, edged, escharotic, exacting, exigent, fierce, foldable, grim, hard, harsh, incisive, inclement, irritating, keen, meticulous, mordacious, mordant, mortified, nose-tickling, penetrating, piercing, pincer, piquant, poignant, puckery, pungent, restorative, rigorous, roborant, rough, rugged, scathing, severe, sharp, sour, stabbing, stern, stinging, strict, strident, stringent, styptic, styptic pencil, tart, tough, trenchant, ungentle, unsparing, vehement, violent, virulent, vise, vitriolic




N contraction, reduction, diminution, decrease of size, defalcation, decrement, lessening, shrinking, compaction, tabes, collapse, emaciation, attenuation, tabefaction, consumption, marasmus, atrophy, systole, neck, hourglass, condensation, compression, compactness, compendium, squeezing, strangulation, corrugation, astringency, astringents, sclerotics, contractility, compressibility, coarctation, inferiority in size, contracting, astringent, shrunk, contracted, strangulated, tabid, wizened, stunted, waning, neap, compact, unexpanded &c (expand), contractile, compressible, smaller &c (small).


N acridity, astringency, bite, tear gas, smoke, acrid fumes, acrid, biting, astringent, sharp, harsh, bitter, (5) Sound (i) SOUND IN GENERAL.

For further exploring for "Astringent" in Webster Dictionary Online

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