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aphonia | aphonic | aphonous | aphony | aphorise | Aphorism | aphorismatic | aphorismer | aphorismic | aphorist | aphoristic




Aphorismn. [F. aphorisme, fr. Gr. definition, a short, pithy sentence, fr. to mark off by boundaries, to define; from + to separate, part. See Horizon.].
     A comprehensive maxim or principle expressed in a few words; a sharply defined sentence relating to abstract truth rather than to practical matters.  [1913 Webster]
    "The first aphorism of Hippocrates is, “Life is short, and the art is long.”"  [1913 Webster]
Syn. -- Axiom; maxim; adage; proverb; apothegm; saying; saw; truism; dictum. See Axiom.


Aphorism, n.
1 a short pithy maxim.
2 a brief statement of a principle.

aphorist n. aphoristic adj. aphoristically adv. aphorize v.intr. (also -ise).
F aphorisme or LL f. Gk aphorismos definition f. aphorizo (as APO-, horos boundary)



n. Predigested wisdom.

The flabby wine-skin of his brain
Yields to some pathologic strain,
And voids from its unstored abysm
The driblet of an aphorism.
"The Mad Philosopher," 1697



abridgment, adage, ana, analects, apothegm, axiom, bon mot, boutade, bright idea, bright thought, brilliant idea, brocard, byword, catchword, collected sayings, conceit, crack, current saying, dictate, dictum, distich, epigram, expression, facetiae, flash of wit, flight of wit, gibe, gnome, golden saying, happy thought, maxim, moral, mot, motto, nasty crack, oracle, persiflage, phrase, pithy saying, play of wit, pleasantry, precept, prescript, proverb, proverbial saying, proverbs, quip, quips and cranks, repartee, retort, riposte, rule, sally, saw, saying, scintillation, sentence, sententious expression, sloka, smart crack, smart saying, snappy comeback, stock saying, stroke of wit, sutra, teaching, text, truism, turn of thought, verse, wisdom, wisdom literature, wise saying, wisecrack, witticism, word, words of wisdom




N maxim, aphorism, apothegm, apophthegm, dictum, saying, adage, saw, proverb, sentence, mot, motto, word, byword, moral, phylactery, protasis, axiom, theorem, scholium, truism, postulate, first principles, a priori fact, assumption (supposition), reflection, conclusion, golden rule, principle, principia, profession of faith, settled principle, accepted principle, formula, accepted fact, received truth, wise maxim, sage maxim, received maxim, admitted maxim, recognized maxim, true saying, common saying, hackneyed saying, trite saying, commonplace saying, aphoristic, proverbial, phylacteric, axiomatic, gnomic, as the saying goes, as the saying is, as they say.

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