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: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: T T- T. Ta Tb Tc Td Te Th Ti Tj Tk Tl Tm Tn To Tp Tr Ts Tt Tu Tv Tw Tx Ty Tz
turm | turmaline | turmeric | turmeric root | turmerol | turmoil | turn | turn a blind eye | turn a loss | turn a nice dime | turn a nice dollar


Noun, Verb (usu participle)
8 in 8 verses (in OT : 8 in 8 verses)


turmoiln. [Of uncertain origin; perhaps fr. OF. tremouille the hopper of a mill, trembler to tremble (cf. E. tremble); influenced by E. turn and moil.].
     Harassing labor; trouble; molestation by tumult; disturbance; worrying confusion.  [1913 Webster]
    "And there I'll rest, as after much turmoil,
    A blessed soul doth in Elysium.
    "  [1913 Webster]
turmoilv. t. 
     To harass with commotion; to disquiet; to worry.  [1913 Webster]
    "It is her fatal misfortune . . . to be miserably tossed and turmoiled with these storms of affliction."  [1913 Webster]
turmoilv. i. 
     To be disquieted or confused; to be in commotion.  Milton.  [1913 Webster]


turmoil, n.
1 violent confusion; agitation.
2 din and bustle.

16th c.: orig. unkn.



ado, agitation, ailment, anarchism, anarcho-syndicalism, anarchy, antinomianism, anxiety, anxiousness, arsy-varsiness, bluster, bobbery, boil, boiling, bother, brawl, broil, brouhaha, bustle, cacophony, chaos, churn, clamor, clutter, commotion, confusion, conturbation, criminal syndicalism, discomposure, disorder, disorderliness, disorganization, disquiet, disquietude, disruption, distress, disturbance, dither, donnybrook, donnybrook fair, dustup, ebullience, ebullition, eddy, effervescence, embroilment, excitement, fanaticism, farrago, feery-fary, ferment, fermentation, fever, feverishness, fidgets, flap, flurry, fluster, flutteration, foment, fomentation, foofaraw, fracas, free-for-all, frenzy, fume, furor, furore, fury, fuss, hash, hassle, helter-skelter, higgledy-piggledy, hodgepodge, hubbub, hurly-burly, hurry, hurry-scurry, hysteron proteron, inquietude, jitteriness, jitters, jumble, jumpiness, lather, litter, lynch law, maelstrom, malaise, melee, mess, mishmash, misrule, mob law, mob rule, mobocracy, moil, nerviness, nervosity, nervousness, nihilism, ochlocracy, pandemonium, passion, pell-mell, perturbation, pother, primal chaos, racket, rage, rampage, rebellion, restiveness, restlessness, revolution, riot, roil, rough-and-tumble, roughhouse, rout, row, ruckus, ruction, ruffle, rumpus, scramble, seethe, seething, shindy, stew, stir, storminess, strife, swirl, swirling, syndicalism, tempestuousness, to-do, tohubohu, topsy-turviness, topsy-turvydom, trepidation, trepidity, trouble, tumble, tumult, tumultuation, tumultuousness, turbidity, turbulence, twitter, unease, uneasiness, unholy mess, unrest, unruliness, uproar, upset, vortex, welter, whirl, wildness, yeastiness, zeal, zealousness




N disorder, derangement, irregularity, anomaly, anarchy, anarchism, want of method, untidiness, disunion, discord, confusion, confusedness, mishmash, mix, disarray, jumble, huddle, litter, lumber, cahotage, farrago, mess, mash, muddle, muss, hash, hodgepodge, hotch-potch, hotch-pot, imbroglio, chaos, omnium gatherum, medley, mere mixture, fortuitous concourse of atoms, disjecta membra, rudis indigestaque moles, complexity, turmoil, ferment, to-do, trouble, pudder, pother, row, rumble, disturbance, hubbub, convulsion, tumult, uproar, revolution, riot, rumpus, stour, scramble, brawl, fracas, rhubarb, fight, free-for-all, row, ruction, rumpus, embroilment, melee, spill and pelt, rough and tumble, whirlwind, bear garden, Babel, Saturnalia, donnybrook, Donnybrook Fair, confusion worse confounded, most admired disorder, concordia discors, Bedlam, all hell broke loose, bull in a china shop, all the fat in the fire, diable a' quatre, Devil to pay, pretty kettle of fish, pretty piece of work, pretty piece of business, disorderly person, disorderly persons offence, misdemeanor, slattern, slut (libertine), disorderly, orderless, out of order, out of place, out of gear, irregular, desultory, anomalous, acephalous, deranged, aimless, disorganized, straggling, unmethodical, immethodical, unsymmetric, unsystematic, untidy, slovenly, dislocated, out of sorts, promiscuous, indiscriminate, chaotic, anarchical, unarranged &c (arrange), confused, deranged, topsy-turvy, shapeless, disjointed, out of joint, troublous, riotous, complex, irregularly, by fits, by fits and snatches, by fits and starts, pellmell, higgledy-piggledy, helter-skelter, harum-scarum, in a ferment, at sixes and sevens, at cross-purposes, upside down, the cart before the horse, hysteron proteron, chaos is come again, the wreck of matter and the crush of worlds.


N violence, inclemency, vehemence, might, impetuosity, boisterousness, effervescence, ebullition, turbulence, bluster, uproar, callithump, riot, row, rumpus, le diable a quatre, devil to pay, all the fat in the fire, severity, ferocity, rage, fury, exacerbation, exasperation, malignity, fit, paroxysm, orgasm, climax, aphrodisia, force, brute force, outrage, coup de main, strain, shock, shog, spasm, convulsion, throe, hysterics, passion, outbreak, outburst, debacle, burst, bounce, dissilience, discharge, volley, explosion, blow up, blast, detonation, rush, eruption, displosion, torrent, turmoil, ferment, storm, tempest, rough weather, squall, earthquake, volcano, thunderstorm, berserk, berserker, fury, dragon, demon, tiger, beldame, Tisiphone, Megaera, Alecto, madcap, wild beast, fire eater, violent, vehement, warm, acute, sharp, rough, rude, ungentle, bluff, boisterous, wild, brusque, abrupt, waspish, impetuous, rampant, turbulent, disorderly, blustering, raging, troublous, riotous, tumultuary, tumultuous, obstreperous, uproarious, extravagant, unmitigated, ravening, inextinguishable, tameless, frenzied, desperate, infuriate, furious, outrageous, frantic, hysteric, in hysterics, fiery, flaming, scorching, hot, red-hot, ebullient, savage, fierce, ferocious, fierce as a tiger, excited, unquelled, unquenched, unextinguished, unrepressed, unbridled, unruly, headstrong, ungovernable, unappeasable, immitigable, unmitigable, uncontrollable, incontrollable, insuppressible, irrepressible, orgastic, orgasmatic, orgasmic, spasmodic, convulsive, explosive, detonating, volcanic, meteoric, stormy, violently, amain, by storm, by force, by main force, with might and main, tooth and nail, vi et armis, at the point of the sword, at the point of the bayonet, at one fell swoop, with a high hand, through thick and thin, in desperation, with a vengeance, a outrance, a toute outrance, headlong, head foremost, furor arma ministrat, blown with restless violence round about the pende.


N agitation, stir, tremor, shake, ripple, jog, jolt, jar, jerk, shock, succussion, trepidation, quiver, quaver, dance, jactitation, quassation, shuffling, twitter, flicker, flutter, turbulence, perturbation, commotion, turmoil, disquiet, tumult, tumultuation, hubbub, rout, bustle, fuss, racket, subsultus, staggers, megrims, epilepsy, fits, carphology, chorea, floccillation, the jerks, St. Vitus's dance, tilmus, spasm, throe, throb, palpitation, convulsion, disturbance, chaos, restlessness, ferment, fermentation, ebullition, effervescence, hurly-burly, cahotage, tempest, storm, ground swell, heavy sea, whirlpool, vortex, whirlwind, shaking, agitated tremulous, desultory, subsultory, saltatoric, quasative, shambling, giddy-paced, saltatory, convulsive, unquiet, restless, all of a twitter, by fits and starts, subsultorily, per saltum, hop skip and jump, in convulsions, in fits, tempete dans un verre d'eau.

For further exploring for "turmoil" in Webster Dictionary Online

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