Word Study
: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: T T- T. Ta Tb Tc Td Te Th Ti Tj Tk Tl Tm Tn To Tp Tr Ts Tt Tu Tv Tw Tx Ty Tz
trudge | trudgeman | trudgen stroke | trudger | trudging | true | true anomaly | true bacteria | true bill | true blackberry | true blue



Adjective, Noun, Verb (transitive)
131 in 124 verses (in OT : 74 in 72 verses) (in NT : 57 in 52 verses)


truea. [OE. trewe, AS. treówe faithful, true, from treów fidelity, faith, troth; akin to OFries. triuwe, adj., treuwa, n., OS. triuwi, adj., trewa, n., D. trouw, adj. & n., G. treu, adj., treue, n., OHG. gitriuwi, adj., triuwa, n., Icel. tryggr, adj., Dan. tro, adj. & n., Sw. trogen, adj., tro, n., Goth. triggws, adj., triggwa, n., trauan to trust, OPruss druwis faith. Cf. Trow, Trust, Truth.].
  •  Conformable to fact; in accordance with the actual state of things; correct; not false, erroneous, inaccurate, or the like; as, a true relation or narration; a true history; a declaration is true when it states the facts.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Right to precision; conformable to a rule or pattern; exact; accurate; as, a true copy; a true likeness of the original.  [1913 Webster]
    "Making his eye, foot, and hand keep true time."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Steady in adhering to friends, to promises, to a prince, or the like; unwavering; faithful; loyal; not false, fickle, or perfidious; as, a true friend; a wife true to her husband; an officer true to his charge.  [1913 Webster]
    "Thy so true,
    So faithful, love unequaled.
    "  [1913 Webster]
    "Dare to be true: nothing can need a lie."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Actual; not counterfeit, adulterated, or pretended; genuine; pure; real; as, true balsam; true love of country; a true Christian.  [1913 Webster]
    "The true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world."  [1913 Webster]
    "True ease in writing comes from art, not chance."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Genuine; real; not deviating from the essential characters of a class; as, a lizard is a true reptile; a whale is a true, but not a typical, mammal.  [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
    " True is sometimes used elliptically for It is true."  [1913 Webster]
Out of true, varying from correct mechanical form, alignment, adjustment, etc.; -- said of a wall that is not perpendicular, of a wheel whose circumference is not in the same plane, and the like. [Colloq.] -- A true bill (Law), a bill of indictment which is returned by the grand jury so indorsed, signifying that the charges to be true. -- True time. See under Time.
     In accordance with truth; truly.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]


true, adj., adv., & v.
1 in accordance with fact or reality (a true story).
2 genuine; rightly or strictly so called; not spurious or counterfeit (a true friend; the true heir to the throne).
3 (often foll. by to) loyal or faithful (true to one's word).
4 (foll. by to) accurately conforming (to a standard or expectation etc.) (true to form).
5 correctly positioned or balanced; upright, level.
6 exact, accurate (a true aim; a true copy).
7 (absol.) (also it is true) certainly, admittedly (true, it would cost more).
8 (of a note) exactly in tune.
9 archaic honest, upright (twelve good men and true).
1 truly (tell me true).
2 accurately (aim true).
3 without variation (breed true).
--v.tr. (trues, trued, truing or trueing) bring (a tool, wheel, frame, etc.) into the exact position or form required.

come true actually happen or be the case. out of true (or the true) not in the correct or exact position. true bill US & hist. a bill of indictment endorsed by a grand jury as being sustained by evidence. true-blue adj. extremely loyal or orthodox.
--n. such a person, esp. a Conservative. true-born genuine (a true-born Englishman). true-bred of a genuine or good breed. true-hearted faithful, loyal. true horizon see HORIZON 1c. true-love a sweetheart. true-love (or -lover's) knot a kind of knot with interlacing bows on each side, symbolizing true love. true north etc. north etc. according to the earth's axis, not magnetic north. true rib a rib joined directly to the breastbone. true to form (or type) being or behaving etc. as expected. true to life accurately representing life.
trueish adj. trueness n.
OE treowe, trywe, f. the Gmc noun repr. by TRUCE



Christian, absolute, acceptable, accepted, accommodate, accord, accurate, accurately, active, actual, adapt, adjust, adjust to, apodictic, applicable, appropriate, approved, ardent, arrowlike, ascertained, assimilate, attested, attune, authentic, authenticated, authoritative, be realized, befitting, bona fide, bound, candidly, canonical, careful, categorically true, certain, certified, clear, clear and distinct, clear as day, come to pass, come true, committed, compliant, conclusive, confirmed, conforming, conscientious, consistent, constant, conventional, coordinate, correct, correctly, corroborated, creditable, customary, cut to, de facto, dead straight, decisive, dedicated, definite, demonstrated, dependable, desired, determinate, determined, devoted, devout, direct, documentary, duteous, dutiful, effectual, equalize, established, estimable, evangelical, even, exact, exactly, expressive, factual, faithful, faithworthy, fast, finicky, firm, fit, fitting, fix, fixed, flat, flinty, for real, frankly, fussy, gear to, genuine, happen, harmonize, high-principled, historical, homologate, homologize, honest, honest-to-God, honestly, honorable, horizontal, immovable, in a line, incorruptible, indicative, indubitable, ineluctable, inevitable, inflexible, inviolable, just, key to, kosher, lawful, legal, legitimate, level, liege, linear, literal, loyal, make plumb, make uniform, marble-constant, mathematical, meaningful, measure, meticulous, mindful, natural, necessary, normal, not in error, objectively true, observant, occur, of the faith, orthodox, orthodoxical, overnice, perfectly sure, place, positive, practicing, precise, predestined, predetermined, proper, proportion, proved, proven, punctilious, punctual, put in tune, real, realistic, received, reconcile, rectify, rectilineal, rectilinear, regardful, regular, regulate, reliable, resolute, responsible, right, right-minded, rightful, ruler-straight, scriptural, scrupulous, set, set right, settled, significant, similarize, sincere, sincerely, smooth, sot, sound, stable, standard, staunch, steadfast, steady, steely, straight, straight-cut, straight-front, straight-side, straightforwardly, streamlined, strict, substantial, substantiated, suggestive, suitable, sure, sure-enough, sync, synchronize, tailor, take, tested, textual, to be trusted, traditional, traditionalistic, tried, tried and true, trim to, true as gospel, true up, true-blue, true-meaning, true-speaking, true-tongued, truehearted, truly, trustable, trustworthy, trusty, truth-bearing, truth-declaring, truth-desiring, truth-filled, truth-guarding, truth-loving, truth-passing, truth-speaking, truth-telling, truthful, truthfully, tune, typical, unadulterated, unambiguous, unbending, unbent, unbowed, unbroken, unconfuted, uncurved, undeflectable, undeflected, undeniable, undenied, undesigning, undeviating, undissembled, undistorted, undoubted, unequivocal, unerring, unerroneous, unfailing, unfallacious, unfalse, unfeigned, unflappable, uninterrupted, univocal, unmistakable, unmistaken, unperfidious, unquestionable, unrefuted, unshaken, unswerving, untreacherous, unturned, unvarnished, unwavering, unyielding, upright, valid, validated, veracious, veridical, verifiable, verified, veritable, vertical, very, whole-hearted, worthy




N existence, being, entity, ens, esse, subsistence, reality, actuality, positiveness, fact, matter of fact, sober reality, truth, actual existence, presence, coexistence, stubborn fact, hard fact, not a dream, no joke, center of life, essence, inmost nature, inner reality, vital principle, ontology, existing, existent, under the sun, in existence, extant, afloat, afoot, on foot, current, prevalent, undestroyed, real, actual, positive, absolute, true, substantial, substantive, self-existing, self-existent, essential, well-founded, well-grounded, unideal, unimagined, not potential, authentic, actually, in fact, in point of fact, in reality, indeed, de facto, ipso facto, ens rationis, ergo sum cogito, thinkest thou existence doth depend on time?.


N observance, performance, compliance, acquiescence, concurrence, obedience, fulfillment, satisfaction, discharge, acquittance, acquittal, adhesion, acknowledgment, fidelity, exact, observance, observant, faithful, true, loyal, honorable, true as the dial to the sun, true as the needle to the pole, punctual, punctilious, literal, as good as one's word, faithfully, ignoscito saepe alteri nunquam tibi, tempori parendum, to God, thy country, and thy friend be true.


N orthodoxy, strictness, soundness, religious truth, true faith, truth, soundness of doctrine, Christianity, Christianism, Catholicism, Catholicity, the faith once delivered to the saints, hyperorthodoxy, iconoclasm, The Church, Catholic Church, Universal Church, Apostolic Church, Established Church, temple of the Holy Ghost, Church of Christ, body of Christ, members of Christ, disciples of Christ, followers of Christ, Christian, Christian community, true believer, canonist, Christendom, collective body of Christians, canons, thirty nine articles, Apostles' Creed, Nicene Creed, Athanasian Creed, Church Catechism, textuary, orthodox, sound, strick, faithful, catholic, schismless, Christian, evangelical, scriptural, divine, monotheistic, true, of the true faith.


N straightness, rectilinearity, directness, inflexibility, straight line, right line, direct line, short cut, straight, rectilinear, rectilineal, direct, even, right, true, in a line, unbent, virgate, undeviating, unturned, undistorted, unswerving, straight as an arrow, inflexible, laser-straight, ramrod-straight.


N probity, integrity, rectitude, uprightness, honesty, faith, honor, bonne foi, good faith, bona fides, purity, clean hands, fairness, fair play, justice, equity, impartiality, principle, even-handedness, grace, constancy, faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty, incorruption, incorruptibility, trustworthiness, truth, candor, singleness of heart, veracity, tender conscience, punctilio, delicacy, nicety, scrupulosity, scrupulousness, scruple, point, point of honor, punctuality, dignity, (repute), respectability, respectableness, gentilhomme, gentleman, man of honor, man of his word, fidus Achates, preux chevalier, galantuomo, truepenny, trump, brick, true Briton, white man, court of honor, a fair field and no favor, argumentum ad verecundiam, upright, honest, honest as daylight, veracious, virtuous, honorable, fair, right, just, equitable, impartial, evenhanded, square, fair and aboveboard, open and aboveboard, white, constant, constant as the northern star, faithful, loyal, staunch, true, true blue, true to one's colors, true to the core, true as the needle to the pole, marble-constant, true- hearted, trusty, trustworthy, as good as one's word, to be depended on, incorruptible, straightforward, frank, candid, open-hearted, conscientious, tender-conscienced, right-minded, high-principled, high-minded, scrupulous, religious, strict, nice, punctilious, correct, punctual, respectable, reputable, gentlemanlike, inviolable, inviolate, unviolated, unbroken, unbetrayed, unbought, unbribed, innocent, pure, stainless, unstained, untarnished, unsullied, untainted, unperjured, uncorrupt, uncorrupted, undefiled, undepraved, undebauched, integer vitae scelerisque purus, justus et tenax propositi, chivalrous, jealous of honor, sans peur et sans reproche, high-spirited, supramundane, unworldly, other-worldly, overscrupulous, honorable, bona fide, on the square, in good faith, honor bright, foro conscientiae, with clean hands, a face untaught to feign, bene qui latuit bene vixit, mens sibi conscia recti, probitas laudatur et alget, fidelis ad urnam, his heart as far from fraud as heaven from earth, loyaute m'oblige, loyaute n'a honte, what stronger breastplate than a heart untainted?.


N assent, assentment, acquiescence, admission, nod, accord, concord, concordance, agreement, affirmance, affirmation, recognition, acknowledgment, avowal, confession of faith, unanimity, common consent, consensus, acclamation, chorus, vox populi, popular belief, current belief, current opinion, public opinion, concurrence, cooperation, ratification, confirmation, corroboration, approval, acceptance, visa, indorsement, consent, pressure to conform, herd instinct, peer pressure, assenting, of one accord, of one mind, of the same mind, at one with, agreed, acquiescent, content, willing, uncontradicted, unchallenged, unquestioned, uncontroverted, carried, agreed, nem, con, nemine contradicente unanimous, agreed on all hands, carried by acclamation, affirmative, yes, yea, ay, aye, true, good, well, very well, very true, well and good, granted, even so, just so, to be sure, 'thou hast said', you said it, you said a mouthful, truly, exactly, precisely, that's just it, indeed, certainly, you bet, certes, ex concesso, of course, unquestionably, assuredly, no doubt, doubtless, naturally, natch, be it so, so be it, so let it be, amen, willingly, affirmatively, in the affirmative, OK, all right, might as well, why not? with one consent, with one voice, with one accord, unanimously, una voce, by common consent, in chorus, to a man, nem, con, nemine contradicente, nemine dissentiente, without a dissentient voice, as one man, one and all, on all hands, avec plaisir, chi tace accousente, the public mind is the creation of the Master-Writ, you bet your sweet ass it is, what are we waiting for? whenever you're ready, anytime you're ready.


N truth, fact, reality, plain fact, plain matter of fact, nature, truth, verity, gospel, gospel truth, God's honest truth, orthodoxy, authenticity, veracity, correctness, correctitude, accuracy, exactitude, exactness, preciseness, precision, delicacy, rigor, mathematical precision, punctuality, clockwork precision, conformity to rule, nicety, orthology, ipsissima verba, realism, plain truth, honest truth, sober truth, naked truth, unalloyed truth, unqualified truth, stern truth, exact truth, intrinsic truth, nuda veritas, the very thing, not an illusion, real Simon Pure, unvarnished tale, unvarnished truth, the truth the whole truth and nothing but the trut, just the thing, real, actual, veritable, true, right, correct, certain, substantially true, categorically true, definitively true, true to the letter, true as gospel, unimpeachable, veracious, unreconfuted, unconfuted, unideal, unimagined, realistic, exact, accurate, definite, precise, well-defined, just, just so, so, strict, severe, close, literal, rigid, rigorous, scrupulous, religiously exact, punctual, mathematical, scientific, faithful, constant, unerring, curious, particular, nice, delicate, fine, clean-cut, clear-cut, verified, empirically true, experimentally verified, substantiated, proven (demonstrated), rigorously true, unquestionably true, true by definition, genuine, authentic, legitimate, orthodox, official, ex officio, pure, natural, sound, sterling, unsophisticated, unadulterated, unvarnished, unalloyed, uncolored, in its true colors, pukka, well-grounded, well founded, solid, substantial, tangible, valid, undistorted, undisguised, unaffected, unexaggerated, unromantic, unflattering, truly, verily, indeed, really, in reality, with truth, certainly, actually, in effect, exactly, ad amussim, verbatim, verbatim et literatim, word for word, literally, literatim, totidem vervis, sic, to the letter, chapter and verse, ipsissimis verbis, ad unguem, to an inch, to a nicety, to a hair, to a tittle, to a turn, to a T, au pied de la lettre, neither more nor less, in every respect, in all respects, sous tous les rapports, at any rate, at all events, strictly speaking, the truth is, the fact is, rem acu tetigisti, en suivant la verite, ex facto jus oritur, la verita e figlia del empo, locos y ninos dicen la verdad, crazy people and children tell the truth, nihil est veritatis luce dulcius, veritas nunquam perit, veritatem dies aperit, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, just the facts, ma'am, just the facts.


N veracity, truthfulness, frankness truth, sincerity, candor, unreserve, honesty, fidelity, plain dealing, bona fides, love of truth, probity, ingenuousness, the truth the whole truth and nothing but the trut, honest truth, sober truth, unvarnished tale, light of truth, truthful, true, veracious, veridical, scrupulous, sincere, candid, frank, open, straightforward, unreserved, open hearted, true hearted, simple-hearted, honest, trustworthy, undissembling &c (dissemble), guileless, pure, truth- loving, unperjured, true blue, as good as one's word, unaffected, unfeigned, bona fide, outspoken, ingenuous, undisguised, uncontrived, truly, in plain words, in truth, with truth, of a truth, in good truth, as the dial to the sun, as the needle to the pole, honor bright, troth, in good sooth, in good earnest, unfeignedly, with no nonsense, in sooth, sooth to say, bona fide, in foro conscientiae, without equivocation, cartes sur table, from the bottom of one's heart, by my troth, di il vero a affronterai il diavolo, Dichtung und Wahrheit, esto quod esse videris, magna est veritas et praevalet, that golden key that opes the palace of eternity, veritas odium parit, veritatis simplex oratio est, verite sans peur.

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